Visit our website: www. Page 2: Back Cover This warranty isvoid ifthis product isever used w hile p roviding commercial services orifrented toanother person. Page 3: California Proposition This machinewas builtto be operatedaccordingto the safeopera- This symbolpointsout importantsafetyinstructionswhich,if not tion practicesin this manual. Readand followall instructionsin this manual injury. This machineis capableof amputatingfingers,hands,toes beforeattemptingto operatethis machine.
Failureto complywith and feet and throwingdebris. Failureto observethe followingsafety these instructionsmay resultin personalinjury. Whenyou seethis Stay alertfor hidden hazardsor traffic. Toavoidpersonalinjuryor propertydamageuseextremecare in handlinggasoline.
Seriouspersonalinjurycan occurwhengasolineis spilled slopes. Checktheirproperoperation Toavoidseriousinjuryor death,do not modifyengine in any way. Referto the maintenance and adjustmentsectionsof Tampering with the governorsettingcanlead to a runawayengineand this manual. Nevertamperwithfactory setting of engine governor. Read,understand,and followall instructionson the machine beforeattemptingto assembleand operate. Page 7 1. After assembly,see page 10for fuel and oil details.
Removing From Carton 1. Cut the cornersof thecarton and lay the sidesflat on the ground. Removeall packinginserts. Movethe snowthrowerout of thecarton. Makecertainthe carton has beencompletelyemptiedbefore discardingit. Page 9: Clean-Out Tool Skid Shoe Clean-Out Tool Thesnow thrower s kidshoesareadjusted upward atthefactory forshipping Thechute clean-out t oolisfastened to thetopd theaugerhousing witha purposes. Adjust t hemdownward, ifdesired, p riortooperating t hesnow mounting clipanda cabletieat thefactory.
C utthecabletiebeforeoperating thrower. SeeFigure 5. It is not recommended that youoperatethis snowthroweron gravel ChuteClean-outTool as it can easilypick up and throwloosegravel,causingpersonal injuryor damageto the snowthrowerand surroundingproperty. Page Fuel Recommendations Fuel Recommendations Checking Oil Level Use automotive gasoline unleadedor low leadedto minimizecombus- tionchamberdeposits with a minimumof 87 octane.
Youmust, however, used. Avoidgetting checkthe oil levelpriorto operatingthe snowthrower. Runningthe dirt, dust,or waterin thefuel tank. Donot void theenginewarranty. Tighten thewingknobontheupper chutemaking surethecarriage bolt Checkthe adjustment o f theauger controlas follows: iscorrectly positioned.
Knowhowto stop the machineand disengagethem quickly. Snowthrowercontrolsand featuresare describedbelowand illustrated Chute Handle Neveruseyour handsto clear a cloggedchuteassembly. Shutoff Chute Assembly engineand remainbehindhandlesuntilall movingpartshavestopped Snowdrawninto theauger housingis dischargedout the chute [before usng the c can-out too to c ear thechute assemby. The chuteclean-outtool is conveniently fastenedto the rearof the Choke Control auger housingwith a mountingclip.
Ask a licensedelectricianif you are notcertain. Use automotive gasoline unleadedor low leadedto minimizecombus- If you havea groundedthree-prongreceptacle,proceedas follows. Tighten moistureon the engine.
Movethrottlecontrolto STOP position. Rotatechutehandleto desiredoperatingposition. Removingthe key will reducethe possibilityof unauthorized startingof the enginewhileequipmentis notin use. Keepthe key in a safe place. The enginecannotstart withoutthe Donot lift the snowthrowerat any time bythe chute handle. Page Engine Maintenance Follow t he maintenance schedule given b elow. Donotattempttodefeat thefunctionoftheoperatorpresencecontrol underanycircumstances.
Bethoroughlyfamiliarwiththecontrols andtheproperuseofthesnow thrower. Knowhowtostopthesnow throweranddisengagethecontrols quickly. Neverallowchildrentooperatethe snowthrowerandkeepthemaway whileitisoperating. Neverallowadults tooperatethesnowthrowerwithout properinstruction. Donotcarry passengers. Keeptheareaofoperationclearofall persons,particularlysmallchildren andpets.
Exercisecautiontoavoidslippingor falling,especiallywhenoperatingin reverse. Add page 3 to Favourites. Thoroughlyinspecttheareawherethe snowthroweristobeusedand removealldoormats,sleds,boards, wiresandotherforeignobjects.
Disengageallclutchesbeforestarting theengine motor. Donotoperatethesnowthrower withoutwearingadequatewinterouter garments. Wearfootwearthatwill improvefootingonslipperysurfaces. Handlefuelwithcare;itishighly flammable. NeverfUlfueltank indoors. Useextensioncordsandreceptacles asspecifiedbythemanufacturerforall snowthrowerswithelectdcdrive motorsorelectricstartingmotors.
Adjustthesnowthrowerheighttoclear gravelorcrushedrocksurfaces. Neverattempttomakeanyadjust- mentswhiletheengine motor is running exceptwhenspecifically recommendedbythemanufacturer. Letengine motor andsnowthrower adjusttooutdoortemperaturesbefore startingtoclearsnow. Alwayswearsafetyglassesoreye shieldsduringoperationorwhile performinganadjustmentorrepairto protecteyesfromforeignobjectsthat maybethrownfromthesnow thrower. Donotoperatethismachineifyouare takingdrugsorothermedicationwhich cancausedrowsinessoraffectyour abilitytooperatethismachine.
Donotusethismachineityouare mentallyorphysicallyunableto operatethismachinesafely. Donotputhandsorfeetnearorunder rotatingparts. Keepdearofthe dischargeopeningatalltimes,m 4. Exerciseextremecautionwhenoperet- I ingonorcrossinggraveldrives,walks, orroads. Stayalertforhiddenhazards ortraffic. Afterstrikingaforeignobject,stopthe engine motor ,removethewirefrom thesparkplug,disconnectthecordon electricmotors,thoroughlyinspectthe snowthrowerforanydamage,and repairthedamagebeforerestartingand operatingthesnowthrower.
Ifthesnowthrowershouldstartto vibrateabnormally,stopthe motor and checkimmediatelyforthecause. Vibrationisgenerallyawarningof trouble. Disconnect thesparkplugwireandkeepthewire awayfromtheplugtopreventacciden- talstarting. Takeallpossibleprecautionswhen leavingthesnowthrowerunattended. Donotclearsnowacrossthefaceof slopes. Exercisecautionwhenchanging directiononsfopes. Donotattemptto clearsteepslopes. Neveroperatethesnowthrowerwithout properguards,platesorothersafety protectivedevicesinplace.
Neveroperatethesnowthrowernear glassenclosures,automobiles,window wells,drop-offs,andthelikewithout dproperadjustmentofthesnow ischargeangle. Keepchildrenand petsaway.
Donotovedoadthemachinecapacity byattemptingtoclearsnowattoofasta rate. Neveroperatethesnowthrowerathigh transportspeedsonslipperysurfaces.
Lookbehindandusecarewhen backing. Add page 4 to Favourites. Neverdirectdischargeatbystandersor allowanyoneinfrontofthesnow thrower. Useonlyattachmentsandaccessories approvedbythemanufacturerofthe snowthrower suchastirechains, electricstartkits,etc.
Neveroperatethesnowthrower withoutgoodvisibilityorlight. As the engine warms, slowly rotate left the choke control to the OFF position. If the engine falters, quickly rotate the choke control Loosen the chute knob and pivot upper chute to desired position. Always observe safety rules when performing any maintenance. Cotter Pin 2. The warranty on this snow thrower does not cover items that have Skid Shoe been subjected to operator abuse or negligence. To receive full value from the warranty, operator must maintain the snow thrower as instructed in this manual.
Remove the self-tapping screw shown in Figure 8, and press the plastic tabs to release the belt cover. Adjustment is needed if the augers seem to hesitate while turning, but the engine maintains speed, or continue turning with the auger control disengaged.
Clean area around the spark plug base. Follow storage instructions below to ensure top performance from the snow thrower for many more years. Wait until all moving parts have come to a complete stop.
Disconnect spark plug wire and ground it against the engine to prevent unintended starting. Always wear safety glasses during operation or while performing any adjustments or repairs. Page Parts List Parts List Page 20 Parts List Page 21 Parts List Ref. Part No. Description Qty. Description Ref. Description A Cylinder Incl. Page 26 Notes