Crack children exposure

Seizures were the commonest manifestation of cocaine exposure and neurotoxicity in young children. Adolescents suffered from alterations in mental status. Urine screen for possible cocaine exposure is recommended in children with first-time seizures, afebrile or febrile. A study of the relationship between maternal cocaine dependency and child maltreatment at Yale University School of Medicine showed that 47 infants cocaine-exposed in utero were at increased risk of maltreatment physical abuse, sexual abuse, or neglect , and placement either in foster care or with a substitute caretaker during the first 24 months of life.

The nonspecific nature of symptoms of cocaine poisoning in infants is stressed in a case-report from Duke University School of Medicine. A 5-month-old male presented with lethargy, unresponsiveness, vomiting, and diarrhea.

A urine screen was positive for benzoylecgonine, a cocaine metabolite. An evaluation of the 3-year behavioral and developmental outcome of 93 children exposed prenatally to cocaine and other drugs taken by the mother during pregnancy is reported from the National Association for Perinatal Addiction Research and Education, Chicago, IL.

Cocaine exposure predicted poor verbal reasoning on the Stanford Binet. Women who use cocaine during pregnancy also use more tobacco, alcohol, and marijuana than non-cocaine users.

When these differences between exposure groups were controlled, there was no significant effect of prenatal cocaine use on infant growth and morphology. Neurologic manifestations of cocaine exposure in childhood. We prospectively obtained samples of urine from children younger than 1 year of age for routine clinical indications from the emergency department at Yale—New Haven Hospital.

The presence of BE in a portion of the RIA-positive samples also was detected in additional analyses by enzyme-multiplied immunoassay technique or by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry.

A chart review was conducted on all patients by reviewers blind to the urine toxicology results. Presenting complaints, symptoms, vital signs, and diagnosis were obtained for all visits before the first birthday.

Birth history, including maternal drug history and birth weight, demographics, and number of medical visits in the first year, were recorded as well. Of the samples, 45 The positive results, determined by RIA, were highly correlated with patients who had lower and upper respiratory symptoms and sought medical care more often. The incidence of unsuspected, passive cocaine exposure in ill infants seeking medical care primarily through an emergency service may be as high as 1 in 3 to 6 infants from our predominantly inner city population.

The development of upper and lower respiratory symptoms is correlated significantly with positive urine results in this study. The increased use of health care resources correlated with passive cocaine exposure in this sample may serve as an indirect marker for the increased medical needs of these infants.

Advertising Disclaimer ». Sign In or Create an Account. Search Close. Create Account. Advanced Search. Skip Nav Destination Article Navigation. Close mobile search navigation Article navigation. Volume , Issue 1. Previous Article Next Article. Article Navigation. Smoking during pregnancy: lessons learned from epidemiological studies and experimental studies using animal models.

Crit Rev Toxicol 42 : — Thorough review of the most recent literature regarding developmental tobacco exposure. Critical periods for marihuana-induced intrauterine growth retardation in the rat. Neurobehav Toxicol Teratol 3 : — Effects of marihuana on pregnant rats and their offspring. Psychopharmacology Berl 71 : 71— Does prenatal nicotine exposure sensitize the brain to nicotine-induced neurotoxicity in adolescence? Neuropsychopharmacology 29 : — Obstet Gynecol : — Neonatal health care costs related to smoking during pregnancy.

Health Econ 11 : — Methylxanthines during pregnancy and early postnatal life. Handb Exp Pharmacol : — The effects of maternal smoking during pregnancy on offspring outcomes.

Prev Med 50 : 13— The role of dopaminergic systems in the perinatal sensitivity to 3, 4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine-induced neurotoxicity in rats. J Pharmacol Exp Ther : — Neurotoxicol Teratol 35 : 34— Risky drinking patterns are being continued into pregnancy: a prospective cohort study. PLoS One 9 : e This sobering study found that over a third of women continue risky drinking into pregnancy, especially binge drinking.

The authors suggest a need to address alcohol consumption prior to pregnancy. Testing poor pregnant patients for cocaine—physicians as police investigators.

N Engl J Med : — Post-natal morphine differentially affects opiate and stress analgesia in adult rats. Psychopharmacology Berl 98 : — The effects of opiate antagonists on milk intake of preweanling rats. Neuropharmacology 21 : — Effects of chronic antenatal and postnatal administration of narcotics on naloxone-induced anorexia in preweanling rats.

Neuropharmacology 22 : — Methamphetamine and other substance use during pregnancy: preliminary estimates from the infant development, environment, and lifestyle IDEAL study. Matern Child Health J 10 : — Maternal marijuana use during lactation and infant development at one year.

Neurotoxicol Teratol 12 : — Opioid maintenance treatment during pregnancy: occurrence and severity of neonatal abstinence syndrome. A national prospective study. Eur Addict Res 15 : — Dysregulation of microRNA expression and function contributes to the etiology of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders.

Alcohol Res 35 : 18— Revisiting the association between maternal smoking during pregnancy and ADHD. J Psychiatr Res 44 : — Estimated effects of in utero cocaine exposure on language development through early adolescence.

Neurotoxicol Teratol 33 : 25— Differential effects of chronic morphine and naloxone on opiate receptors, monoamines, and morphine-induced behaviors in preweanling rats. Brain Res : — Age-related differences in the effect of chronic administration of naloxone on opiate binding in rat brain.

Developmental profile of kappa, mu and delta opioid receptors in the rat and guinea pig cerebellum. Dev Neurosci 11 : — The need for speed: an update on methamphetamine addiction. J Psychiatry Neurosci 31 : — Heroin addiction and pregnancy.

West J Med : — Fetal growth retardation due to maternal tobacco smoke exposure in the rat. Pediatr Res 18 : — The development of children of drug addicts. Int J Addict 21 : — Prenatal substance abuse: short- and long-term effects on the exposed fetus. Pediatrics : e—e Acta Paediatr 99 : — Brain opioid receptor adaptation and expression after prenatal exposure to buprenorphine.

Brain Res Dev Brain Res : 35— Transient down-regulation of neonatal rat brain mu-opioid receptors upon in utero exposure to buprenorphine. Brain Res Dev Brain Res 80 : — Response inhibition among early adolescents prenatally exposed to tobacco: an fMRI study.

Neurotoxicol Teratol 31 : — Prenatal tobacco exposure predicts differential brain function during working memory in early adolescence: a preliminary investigation. Brain Imaging Behav 7 : 49— Adolescents with and without gestational cocaine exposure: longitudinal analysis of inhibitory control, memory and receptive language. Neurotoxicol Teratol 33 : 36— Dopamine, cocaine and the development of cerebral cortical cytoarchitecture: a review of current concepts.

Semin Cell Dev Biol 20 : — Prenatal cocaine exposure and motor performance at 4 months. Am J Occup Ther 65 : e60—e Prospective randomised comparative study of the effect of buprenorphine, methadone and heroin on the course of pregnancy, birthweight of newborns, early postpartum adaptation and course of the neonatal abstinence syndrome NAS in women followed up in the outpatient department.

Neuro Endocrinol Lett 29 : 80— Perinatal caffeine, acting on maternal adenosine A 1 receptors, causes long-lasting behavioral changes in mouse offspring. PLoS One 3 : e Tobacco use and secondhand smoke exposure during pregnancy: an investigative survey of women in 9 developing nations. Am J Public Health 98 : — Consequences of in utero caffeine exposure on respiratory output in normoxic and hypoxic conditions and related changes of Fos expression: a study on brainstem-spinal cord preparations isolated from newborn rats.

Pediatr Res 53 : — A transient placental source of serotonin for the fetal forebrain. Nature : — Fetal, maternal, and placental sources of serotonin and new implications for developmental programming of the brain. Neuroscience : 1—7 A landmark study demonstrating a new, direct role for 5-HT in maternal-placental-fetal interactions that could underlie the developmental impacts of 5-HT on long-lasting mental health outcomes.

Effects of synthetic 9 -tetrahydrocannabinol on pregnancy and offspring in the rat. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 20 : — Association of maternal caffeine consumption with decrements in fetal growth. Am J Epidemiol : — Evaluation of the reproductive and developmental risks of caffeine. J Neurosci 21 : — Methadone maintenance in pregnancy: a reappraisal. Am J Obstet Gynecol : — Long-term consequences of fetal and neonatal nicotine exposure: a critical review. Toxicol Sci : — Discusses the issues involved with nicotine replacement therapy in pregnant women.

Effects of acute ethanol or amphetamine administration on the acoustic startle response and prepulse inhibition in adolescent and adult rats. Psychopharmacology Berl : — Prenatal methamphetamine exposure affects the mesolimbic dopaminergic system and behavior in adult offspring.

Int J Dev Neurosci 27 : — Maternal smoking during pregnancy and offspring brain structure and function: review and agenda for future research. Nicotine Tob Res 14 : — Neuroscience 82 : — Achieving a uniform federal primary care policy.

Opportunities presented by national health reform. JAMA : — Neurodevelopmental outcome after prenatal exposure to opiates. Eur J Pediatr : — Embryonic caffeine exposure acts via a1 adenosine receptors to alter adult cardiac function and DNA methylation in mice. Metabolism of 14 C methamphetamine in man, the guinea pig and the rat. Biochem J : 11—22 Demonstrated how methamphetamine is metabolized in both animal and human models. Neurotoxicol Teratol 28 : — Demonstrated a strong correlation between fetal amniotic fluid and fetal brain—suggesting amniotic fluid could estimate fetal MDMA levels.

Perinatal exposure to deltatetrahydrocannabinol causes enduring cognitive deficits associated with alteration of cortical gene expression and neurotransmission in rats. Addict Biol 12 : — Developmental exposure to cannabinoids causes subtle and enduring neurofunctional alterations. Int Rev Neurobiol 85 : — Excellent overview of the clinical and preclinical data on developmental marijuana exposure.

Prenatal exposure to alcohol and 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine ecstasy alters adult hippocampal neurogenesis and causes enduring memory deficits. Dev Neurosci 36 : 10— Maternal caffeine intake during pregnancy and risk of fetal growth restriction: a large prospective observational study. BMJ : a This large prospective longitudinal observational study found that caffeine consumption throughout pregnancy was associated with an increased risk of fetal growth restriction.

The effects of prenatal cocaine exposure and gender on inhibitory control and attention. Neurotoxicol Teratol 33 : 61—68 Study highlights the importance of considering gender specificity in prenatal cocaine effects.

Maternal smoking during pregnancy and behaviour problems in a birth cohort of 2-year-old Pacific children in New Zealand. Early Hum Dev 84 : 59— Altered neurometabolites and motor integration in children exposed to methamphetamine in utero. Neuroimage 48 : — Smaller subcortical volumes and cognitive deficits in children with prenatal methamphetamine exposure.

Psychiatry Res : 95— Is exposure to secondhand smoke associated with cognitive parameters of children and adolescents? Ann Epidemiol 23 : — Development of sensitization to methamphetamine in offspring prenatally exposed to morphine, methadone and buprenorphine. Addict Biol e-pub ahead of print 3 April Outlined a potential mechanism for the effects of prenatal buprenorphine exposure on the effects of drugs of abuse.

Enhancement of tolerance development to morphine in rats prenatally exposed to morphine, methadone, and buprenorphine. J Biomed Sci 17 : Prenatal cocaine exposures and dose-related cocaine effects on infant tone and behavior.

Neurotoxicol Teratol 29 : — Nicotine exposure throughout early development promotes nicotine self-administration in adolescent mice and induces long-lasting behavioural changes. Eur J Pharmacol : 87— Methadone and perinatal outcomes: a prospective cohort study. Addiction : — Lower diffusion in white matter of children with prenatal methamphetamine exposure. Neurology 72 : — Reducing harm from tobacco smoke exposure during pregnancy. Auditory and visual sustained attention in adolescents prenatally exposed to alcohol.

Alcohol Clin Exp Res 26 : — Adenylyl cyclases types 1 and 8 promote pro-survival pathways after ethanol exposure in the neonatal brain. Neurobiol Dis 33 : — Stimulation of contractions in human myometrium by serotonin is unmasked by smooth muscle relaxants. Reprod Sci 15 : — Developmental consequences of prenatal tobacco exposure.

Curr Opin Neurol 22 : — Effects of prenatal cigarette smoke exposure on neurobehavioral outcomes in year-old children of adolescent mothers. Neurotoxicol Teratol 33 : — Smoking during teenage pregnancies: effects on behavioral problems in offspring.

Nicotine Tob Res 9 : — Prenatal tobacco and marijuana use among adolescents: effects on offspring gestational age, growth, and morphology. Pediatrics 95 : — Birth to age 7 growth of children prenatally exposed to drugs: a prospective cohort study. Neurotoxicol Teratol 24 : — Neonatal neurobehavior effects following buprenorphine versus methadone exposure. Addiction : 63— Cocaine exposure decreases GABA neuron migration from the ganglionic eminence to the cerebral cortex in embryonic mice.

Cereb Cortex 14 : — Secondhand exposure to vapors from electronic cigarettes. Nicotine Tob Res 16 : — Maternal caffeine intake impairs MKinduced hyperlocomotion in young rats. Eur J Pharmacol : — A longitudinal study of prenatal marijuana use.

Effects on sleep and arousal at age 3 years. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med : — Prenatal marijuana use and neonatal outcome. Neurotoxicol Teratol 13 : — Prenatal marijuana exposure contributes to the prediction of marijuana use at age Prenatal alcohol exposure: a continuum of effects. Semin Perinatol 15 : — An analysis of the effects of prenatal alcohol exposure on growth: a teratologic model. Am J Med Genet C Semin Med Genet C : 28—34 A seminal review on the effects of prenatal alcohol on growth demonstrating an interaction between the environment and prenatal exposure.

Effects of prenatal tobacco exposure on preschoolers' behavior. J Dev Behav Pediatr 21 : — Effect of prenatal marijuana exposure on the cognitive development of offspring at age three. Neurotoxicol Teratol 16 : — Children of methadone-dependent women: developmental outcomes.

Am J Orthopsychiatry 63 : — Long-term alterations of striatal parvalbumin interneurons in a rat model of early exposure to alcohol. J Neurodev Disord 4 : A study of cortical morphology in children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders.

Hum Brain Mapp 35 : — Role of central nervous system insulin resistance in fetal alcohol spectrum disorders. J Popul Ther Clin Pharmacol 17 : e—e Human pharmacology of MDMA: pharmacokinetics, metabolism, and disposition.

Ther Drug Monit 26 : — In utero exposure to methadone produces a stable decrease of the cortex 5-HT transport system in rats. Eur J Pharmacol 90 : 57— Effect of chronic prenatal morphine treatment of mu-opioid receptor-regulated adenylate cyclase activity and neurotransmitter release in rat brain slices. Eur J Pharmacol : 97— Stillbirth due to intravenous amphetamine.

Br Med J : — Matern Child Health J 14 : — Prenatal methamphetamine exposure and inhibitory control among young school-age children.

J Pediatr : — Adenosine: setting the stage for plasticity. Trends Neurosci 36 : — Maternal cannabis use alters ventral striatal dopamine D2 gene regulation in the offspring. Biol Psychiatry 70 : — Excellent example of clinical data with simultaneous support from an animal model.

Echoencephalographic findings in neonates associated with maternal cocaine and methamphetamine use—incidence and clinical correlates. J Pediatr : — Findings have revealed congenital anomalies in methamphetamine exposed neonates include cardiac anomalies, cranial abnormalities, and abnormal brain development closely resembling those in ill, asphyxiated infants.

Anxiogenic effects during withdrawal from acute ethanol in adolescent and adult rats. Pharmacol Biochem Behav 75 : — Translational issues for prenatal cocaine studies and the role of environment.

Neurotoxicol Teratol 33 : 9— The effects of prenatal cocaine, post-weaning housing and sex on conditioned place preference in adolescent rats. Nicotine and brain development. The dynamic effects of nicotine on the developing brain. Pharmacol Ther : — Persistent dose-dependent changes in brain structure in young adults with low-to-moderate alcohol exposure in utero. Alcohol Clin Exp Res 36 : — A detailed and comprehensive study following low-to-moderate alcohol exposure demonstrating significant and long-lasting changes in brain structure.

Intrauterine cannabis exposure affects fetal growth trajectories: the Generation R Study. Adverse pregnancy outcomes in snuff users. The effect of prenatal methadone exposure on development and nociception during the early postnatal period of the rat. Cross-sectional growth of children whose mothers abused amphetamines during pregnancy. Acta Paediatr 83 : — Children of mothers abusing amphetamine: head circumference during infancy and psychosocial development until 14 years of age.

Acta Paediatr 89 : — Extensive follow-up data on affective, behavioral, and cognitive outcomes following prenatal amphetamines-exposed children from birth to age Effects of prenatal morphine treatment of rats on mortality, bodyweight and analgesic response in the offspring. Drug Alcohol Depend 24 : — An animal model of cigarette smoke-induced in utero growth retardation. Toxicology : — Prenatal tobacco exposure: developmental outcomes in the neonatal period.

Dev Psychol 47 : — Pregnancy outcome in women who use opiates. Alcohol-induced neuroapoptosis in the fetal macaque brain. Neurobiol Dis 40 : — The effects of maternally administered methadone, buprenorphine and naltrexone on offspring: review of human and animal data.

Curr Neuropharmacol 6 : — Maternally administered sustained-release naltrexone in rats affects offspring neurochemistry and behaviour in adulthood. PLoS One 7 : e Cross-national prevalence and correlates of adult attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. Br J Psychiatry : — City of Charleston Ferguson v. City of Charleston, No. Maternal use of cannabis and pregnancy outcome. BJOG : 21— Behavior problems among cocaine exposed children: role of physiological regulation and parenting.

Neurotoxicol Teratol 42 : 51— Neonatal abstinence syndrome: assessment and management. Addict Dis 2 : — Treatment of opioid-dependent pregnant women with buprenorphine. Addiction 95 : — Prenatal amphetamine exposure effects on dopaminergic receptors and transporter in postnatal rats.

Neurochem Res 36 : — Effect of alcohol consumption in prenatal life, childhood, and adolescence on child development. Nutr Rev 69 : — Prenatal exposure to methadone HCL in relationship to body and brain growth in the rat. Acta Neurol Scand 59 : — Drugs, biogenic amine targets and the developing brain.


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