Yes there is no SendTo folder in that location. When clicking on send to it only gives the option for network drives. As mentioned I attempted to create the folder myself and apply the fix in the guide but the option to send to desktop still is not there. To continue this discussion, please ask a new question. Get answers from your peers along with millions of IT pros who visit Spiceworks.
Best Answer. Pure Capsaicin. Windows 10 expert. View this "Best Answer" in the replies below ». Popular Topics in Windows Which of the following retains the information it's storing when the system power is turned off? Submit ». This should paste what you just copied in the previous step into Notepad.
If it does not, then repeat the previous step. Name the file "sendtofix. It's important that the filename ends in. REG or the file won't work in the next step. Go to your desktop and look for the "sendtofix. Use your mouse to highlight the file left click , then press Enter on the keyboard.
This will execute the file; when prompted, agree to import the registry entry. At this point you will need to reboot the computer. Bookmark this page, save any open documents you may have, then restart the computer.
A black command prompt window will open. The command you copied in the previous step should have output to the command line. If it does not, repeat the previous step and try again. Press Enter on the keyboard to execute the command you paste in the previous step.
Proceed to the next step. Type in: "shell:sendto" no quotes and press Enter on the keyboard. A new window should appear, and you will either see some shortcuts such as Desktop, Mail Recipient, Documents , or it will be blank.
If it is blank, then you will need to add some shortcuts, described in the proceeding steps. Inside the list of folders here you should see a shortcut to Desktop. Right click over this shortcut and select Copy from the dialogue menu. This should paste the Desktop shortcut into your Send To folder.
Copy and paste more shortcuts as you see fit into your Send To folder. For example, you might like to place a shortcut to Notepad or MS Word, as these are very useful shortcuts to have.
Additional 1-on1 Help: From Dennis If all of this is over your head, or you still can't get the Send To context menu to appear, I can assist you using remote desktop support.
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