Phylosophy of the olympic games

Syntax Advanced Search. Heather Reid. The Olympic Games are a sporting event guided by philosophy. This collection of essays explores the ancient Hellenic roots of Olympic philosophy and explain their application to modern sport. It examines the philosophical heritage of the Games, the ethics implied by Olympic values of sport, the educational goals of sport, the relations between justice and fair play, the political ideals of peace and world community, and modern challenge of multiculturalism as expressed in the philosophical contrasts between East and West.

To understand the beauty, challenges, politics, and potential of the Olympic Games, we must first understand Olympic philosophy. Olympism in Social and Political Philosophy. Edit this record. Mark as duplicate. Find it on Scholar. Request removal from index. Revision history. Download options PhilArchive copy. PhilArchive page Other versions. Google Books no proxy fontearetusa. Configure custom resolver. Heather L.

Reid - - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 6 2 Daniel A. Dombrowski - - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 48 1 Naofumi Masumoto - - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 6 2 Brown - unknown. Expatriate Coaching, Olympism and the Olympic Games. Cesar R. Torres - - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 6 2 Checking of available copies Selection : Zoom Ancient Games. Les premiers Jeux Olympiques. Olympic philosophy. Sport and identity in Ancient Greece. Olympia : the story of the Ancient Olympic Games. Greek athletics and the Olympics.

Games for the Gods : the Greek athlete and the olympic spirit. Olympia : gods, artists and athletes. The Olympic Games B.

Greek athletics sports and festivals. Sport and spectacle in the Ancient world. The main Olympic topics : document set - teachers. Olympiaka : anthologie des sources grecques. Loading enrichments What do you think of this resource? Give us your opinion. Confirm Cancel. Export in progress. Change your review. Remove my review Confirm Cancel. Place no. Memorise the search.

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