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Generics promotes the usage of parameterized types. An object pool is a container having objects ready to be used. It tracks the object that is currently in use, total number of objects in the pool. This reduces the overhead of creating and re-creating objects. Sometimes there are some errors that need to be handled as per user requirements.
Custom exceptions are used for them and are used defined exceptions. Delegates are required because they can be used to write much more generic type-safe functions. In method overriding, we change the method definition in the derived class that changes the method behavior.
Method overloading is creating a method with the same name within the same class having different signatures. Methods can be overloaded using different data types for a parameter, different order of parameters, and different number of parameters. In an interface, we have virtual methods that do not have method definition. All the methods are there to be overridden in the derived class.
Implement is up to you as the method is inside your own class. Structs are value-type variables, and classes are reference types. Structs stored on the Stack causes additional overhead but faster retrieval.
Structs cannot be inherited. Value types can take either their normal values or a null value. Such types are called nullable types. A delegate having multiple handlers assigned to it is called multicast delegate. Each handler is assigned to a method. Indexers are known as smart arrays in C. It allows the instances of a class to be indexed in the same way as an array. C provides developers a way to define declarative tags on certain entities, eg.
Class, method, etc. In a singleton pattern, a class can only have one instance and provides an access point to it globally. DirectCast is used to convert the type of object that requires the run-time type to be the same as the specified type in DirectCast. Ctype is used for conversion where the conversion is defined between the expression and the type. A console application is an application that can be run in the command prompt in Windows. For any beginner on.
A String object is immutable, i. Every time when you use any of the methods of the System. String class, then you create a new string object in memory. In situations where you need to perform repeated modifications to a string, we need the StringBuilder class. To avoid string replacing, appending, removing, or inserting new strings in the initial string C introduce StringBuilder concept.
StringBuilder is a dynamic object. To read more, refer to the article: System. StringBuilder in C CopyTo and System. The System.
CopyTo technique makes a replica of the components into another existing array. It makes copies the components of one cluster to another existing array.
The Clone technique returns a new array object containing every one of the components in the first array. The Clone makes a duplicate of an array as an object, consequently should be cast to the real exhibit type before it tends to be utilized to do definitely.
The clone is of a similar type as the first Array. What is the difference between to dispose and finalize methods in C?
The primary difference between dispose and finalize is that the dispose must be explicitly invoked by the user and the finalize is called by the garbage collector when the object is destroyed. What are delegates in C?
A delegate is an object which refers to a method, or you can say it is a reference type variable that can hold a reference to the methods. It provides a way that tells which method is to be called when an event is triggered. For example, if you click a button on a form Windows Form application , the program would call a specific method. In simple words, it is a type that represents references to methods with a particular parameter list and return type and then calls the method in a program for execution when it is needed.
To read more, refer to the article: Delegates in C What are sealed classes in C? Sealed classes are used to restrict the users from inheriting the class. A class can be sealed by using the sealed keyword.
The keyword tells the compiler that the class is sealed, and therefore, cannot be extended. No class can be derived from a sealed class. However, a method can be sealed in the classes in which they have been inherited.
If you want to declare a method as sealed, then it has to be declared as virtual in its base class. To read more, refer to the article: Sealed Classes in C What is the Constructor Chaining in C?
We can call an overloaded constructor from another constructor using this keyword but the constructor must belong to the same class because this keyword is pointing to the members of the same class in which this is used. This type of calling the overloaded constructor is also termed as Constructor Chaining. To read more, refer to the article: Constructor Chaining What is a multicasting delegate in C? Multicasting of delegate is an extension of the normal delegate sometimes termed as Single Cast Delegate.
It helps the user to point more than one method in a single call. What are Generics in C? Generic is a class that allows the user to define classes and methods with the placeholder. Generics were added to version 2. The basic idea behind using Generic is to allow type Integer, String, … etc, and user-defined types to be a parameter to methods, classes, and interfaces.
A primary limitation of collections is the absence of effective type checking. This means that you can put any object in a collection because all classes in the C programming language extend from the object base class. This compromises type safety and contradicts the basic definition of C as a type-safe language. In addition, using collections involves a significant performance overhead in the form of implicit and explicit type casting that is required to add or retrieve objects from a collection.
To read more, refer to the article: Generics in C 3 2. Describe Accessibility Modifiers in C? Access Modifiers are keywords that define the accessibility of a member, class, or datatype in a program. These are mainly used to restrict unwanted data manipulation by external programs or classes. There are 4 access modifiers public, protected, internal, private which defines the 6 accessibility levels as follows: public private private protected protected internal protected internal What is a Virtual Method in C?
In C virtual method is a strategy that can be reclassified in derived classes. We can implement the virtual method in the base class and derived class. A virtual method is declared in the parent class that can be overriden in the child class. We make a virtual method in the base class by using the virtual keyword and that method is overriden in the derived class using the Override keyword.
It is not necessary for every derived class to inherit a virtual method, but a virtual method must be created in the base class. Hence the virtual method is also known as Polymorphism. To read more, refer to the article: Virtual Method in C What is Multithreading with. Multi-threading is a process that contains multiple threads within a single process. Here each thread performs different activities. For example, we have a class and this call contains two different methods, now using multithreading each method is executed by a separate thread.
So the major advantage of multithreading is it works simultaneously, which means multiple tasks execute at the same time. And also maximizing the utilization of the CPU because multithreading works on time-sharing concept mean each thread takes its own time for execution and does not affect the execution of another thread, this time interval is given by the operating system. To read more, refer to the article: Multithreading in C What is a Hash table class in C?
This class comes under the System. Collections namespace. The Hashtable class provides various types of methods that are used to perform different types of operations on the hashtables. In Hashtable, keys are used to access the elements present in the collection. For very large Hashtable objects, you can increase the maximum capacity to 2 billion elements on a bit system. NET 3. The beauty of LINQ is it provides the ability to. NET, etc.
For example, a program may get information from the student records or accessing employee records, etc. In, past years, such type of data is stored in a separate database from the application, and you need to learn different types of query language to access such type of data like SQL, XML, etc.
And also you cannot create a query using C language or any other. NET language. It attaches one, more power to the C or. And the best part is the syntax used to create a query is the same no matter which type of data source is used means the syntax of creating query data in a relational database is the same as that used to create query data stored in an array there is no need to use SQL or any other non-.
NET language mechanism. NET, with web services, and with any other database. Why a private virtual method cannot be overridden in C?
Because private virtual methods are not accessible outside the class. What is File Handling in C? Generally, the file is used to store the data. The term File Handling refers to the various operations like creating the file, reading from the file, writing to the file, appending the file, etc. There are two basic operations that are mostly used in file handling is reading and writing of the file.
The file becomes stream when we open the file for writing and reading. A stream is a sequence of bytes that is used for communication. Two streams can be formed from the file one is the input stream which is used to read the file and another is the output stream is used to write in the file. In C , the System. IO namespace contains classes that handle input and output streams and provide information about file and directory structure.
List down the commonly used types of exceptions? An exception is an error that happens at runtime. The primary advantage of exception handling is that it automates much of the error handling code. An Exception handling is additionally important because C defines standard exceptions for common program errors, like divide-by-zero or index-out-of-range.
What are extension methods in C? What are Generics in C? What is the difference between an Array and ArrayList in C? What is inheritance? Does C support multiple inheritance?
C Advanced Interview Questions What is Boxing and Unboxing in C? What are Properties in C? What are partial classes in C? What is the difference between late binding and early binding in C? What are the Arrays in C? What are Indexers in C? What are the different ways in which a method can be Overloaded in C?
What is Reflection in C? What is the difference between constant and readonly in C? What is the difference between String and StringBuilder in C? C Coding Problems Write a program in C Sharp to reverse a string? Write a program in C Sharp to reverse the order of the given words?
Write a program in C Sharp to find if a given string is palindrome or not? Write a C program to find the substring from a given string. Write a C program to find if a positive integer is prime or not? C MCQ. Garbage collection happens in three cases: If the occupied memory by the objects exceeds the pre-set threshold value. Click here to download. The two functions are used for typecasting the data types: Boxing: Boxing converts value type int, char, etc. Arrays in C are treated as objects.
The length of the array is easy to find by detecting the number of members in the array. The array types are reference types derived from the base array type. Here the indexer is defined the same way. Although both are used to compare two objects by value, still they both are used differently. WriteLine x. Equality operator: Compares by reference Equals : Compares by value In order to overload methods in C , Change the number of parameters in a method, or Change the order of parameters in a method, or Use different data types for parameters In these ways, you can overload a method multiple times.
The value of string is Interview Bit On the other hand, with readonly keyword, you can assign the variable only when it is declared or in a constructor of the same class in which it is declared.
Append i ; sb. WriteLine reversedstring ; WriteLine reverseSentence. Append str[j] ; Console. Floor Math. To store a value of one data type into a variable of another data type. To get desired data. To prevent situations of runtime error during change or conversion of data type.
None of the mentioned. Implicit Conversion. Explicit Conversion. Implicit Conversion and Explicit Conversion.