As a general rule, though, we see issues pop up around installed, current or retired, agents. For larger installations, we recommmend using Inventory Online. This is usually an authorization issue. Try re-installing the agent and double-checking the auth code. NET on the device. In this case, the device will be immediately removed from your inventory. Spiceworks will flag this device so that the next time the agent tries to check in, it will be told to uninstall the agent automatically.
If the agent is not uninstalled, the device would just get recreated on each subsequent scan. If this is something that is vital, you should add the device to your network scan. Help and Support Inventory. Documentation Release Notes Product Plans. Why are there 2 versions of the agent? Yellow: This agent is out-of-date and needs to be updated.
Gray: This agent is the final version of the XP agent. If this is not an XP device, you should update to the new secure agent. Green: This device has the newest version of the secure agent. System requirements The following requirements are for the machine where the agent will be installed.
Net 4. Net has client and full versions. The agent will only work on the full version of. You can check which version you have installed from the Windows Program Manager Programs and Features. Multiple versions can coexist on the same machine. If you only need. Deploying and maintaining agents on your network This document applies to the cloud-based inventory and monitoring systems, namely Spiceworks Inventory online Device Inventory, Software Inventory Spiceworks Connectivity Dashboard and helps you deploy and manage the Collection agent to devices on your network.
Deploy using Group Policy Deploy using PDQ Deploy Deploy using a login script and other methods If you are not familiar with the different types of Spiceworks agents and why Spiceworks chose to rely on agents versus network scanning, we recommend reading this documentation first.
Agent Upgrades Once you have the agent deployed, each agent device will automatically upgrade whenever a new version is available. The agent devices connects hourly to resolve. How do I deploy spiceworks agent via GPO? Step 1: Prerequesite. What is Bamboo agent? What is a build agent? How do you install a bamboo agent? Download and install the remote agent.
How do you set up Atlassian Bamboo? Install Bamboo. Download Bamboo. What is Agent shell? What is Spiceworks? What is the difference between contract manufacturing and outsourcing? Spiceworks Mobile App See the latest in IT news from your personalized feed, take the Daily Challenge, and everything else you need from Spiceworks, right from a native app in your mobile device.
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