A favorite among meme lovers, "freerealestate" is a cheat code that is pretty self-explanatory - you get free real estate.
What this means is that buying a lot to build a house costs absolutely nothing. While this may seem less useful than the cheats that grant you money, this is better for players who want to build a decent-looking house at the start, but continue the game normally by making their Sims earn money legitimately. Definitely give this cheat code a try if you're ever feeling nostalgic and want to play The Sims 3 again, as this cheat doesn't completely take away from the challenge of keeping your Sims alive as the money cheats do.
A common problem among The Sims players is that when they are trying to experiment with their Sims, for example making your Sim focus on exclusively one hobby, their happiness will decrease drastically over time.
This leads to them moping around, moving slower, and crying in the shower. To avoid that players can use the code "make happy" which sets the moods of all Sims within a household to the highest level with no negative side-effects attached. Ever created a Sim and played the game a couple of hours, only to come to the realization that you're not happy with the Sim you created, be it their traits or their looks? Using the cheat "edit in cas" allows you to go back to the Create-A-Sim screen and edit your Sim.
This way you can change the things you don't like about them without having to restart the entire game and lose your progress. Knowing this code you will never have to go through the grueling task of recreating your dream house just because you were unhappy with your Sim. Service Sims are very helpful in The Sims games because they make your life easier by doing jobs that give your Sims more time to do what you want them to do. Service Sims are butlers, plumbers, and pizza delivery drivers, just to name a few.
By typing in "force service sim" followed by the name of the service Sim you require, you will, as you can guess, make that Sim come to your home and perform their duties. Who needs to pick up a phone and order said services, if you can simply put in the command into the console and have the service Sim ring on your doorbell instantly? Older games tended to have cheat codes that activated debug modes mainly because of how fun they were due to freedom they provided. Gaming deals, prizes and latest news.
Contact me with news and offers from other Future brands. Receive email from us on behalf of our trusted partners or sponsors. You will receive a verification email shortly. Allows all terrain adjustments regardless of objects, Sims, and other structures on them.
Walls, fl oors, and objects will move with the terrain. RestrictBuildBuyInBuildings [on off] do not enter [on off]. Choose on or off to enter at the end of code text. Allows teletransportation and wheather control.
Updates your family's money to match the amount chosen if it's over 99,, it will deviate to this value.