The regiment was severely battered, suffering heavy casualties and losing a considerable amount of equipment. Considering the circumstances, the 8th Cavalry fought very well, and it has never been criticized for its conduct in this operation. As others have implied but not clearly stated, the patch shown in the original post is a reproduction. Original examples exist in both the regular yellow and the reversed colors such as the one posted by Proud Kraut. They all appear to be Japanese made from the Korean War era.
These were obviously intended as a novelty patch, a joke to poke fun at the 1st Cavalry Division. I had a good feeling it was a repro. Just liked the design and never knew the story. Thanks all for the info.
First Team I have yet to meet a 1st Cavalry veteran who sees the "humor" in the "joke". That is the basis for my "more ways than one" comment in my original post. None of the 1st Cav Regiments had their colors with them in Korea. Yes the 3rd Bn, 8th Cav was overran by major elements.
The 3rd Bn, 8th Cav was outnumbered about 2, to one. His Intelligence Chief gave him bad information, and the 1st Cavalry Division was caught in a rolling attack of thousands of Chinese! In , my Cleveland buddy Mick Adams and I were in uniform with our 1st Cavalry patches on our khakis flying back home after 13 months in Korea. We landed at St Louis Airport and we had a 1 hour delay before our next plane took off. So we went to the airport coffee shop and ordered coffee and a piece of apple pie.
Some loudmouth started giving us a ration of crap about the 1st Cavalry Division bugging out during the Korean War. Mick is a big shanty Irishman who didn't task crap from anyone, and his temper was worse then my hot Italian temper, and he knocked the guy on his rump.
It was Mick and I against 4 or 5 guys, and all hell broke loose. They were internationally recognized experts in heraldry, the study of the symbolisms and genealogy of coats of arms. But their duty station in El Paso also had something to do with their choice of symbols for the 1st Cavalry Division patch.
One afternoon in September , after the patch competition had begun, the Dorcys enjoyed an especially beautiful sunset. At that moment, a Trooper rode past their house on a handsome, blue-black thoroughbred.
The design of the patch quickly took shape in their minds after this conjunction of seemingly commonplace events. Across the yellow field of the patch, his wife sewed a diagonal bend, symbolic of the scaling walls of enemy castles. Swords and bugles, of course were two of the strongest symbols of cavalry.
Originally, the patch was yellow and blue. But black, symbolic of iron and armor, later replaced the blue and improved visibility. The patch also was the largest divisional patch approved in the United States Army. Dorcy later explained. Military licensing is a very important and critical aspect of funding for the MWR programs of the United States Military branches of service.
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Honor Guard Patch Tab Rocker. Patch Atlantic Command. Patch Joint Forces Command. Patch Red Cross. Patch 53rd Armored Brigade. Patch th Armored Brigade. US Army 1st Corps Patch. Patch Ohio National Guard Error. Patch 30th Armored Brigade. Patch 49th Armored Brigade.
Patch Tab Distinguished. Patch American Military Academy Forward. Patch 1st Squadron Guns. Patch 1st Battalion 10th Infantry Golden Rifles. Patch nd Signal Brigade.
Pocket Patch 30th Infantry Regiment. Patch nd Medical Brigade. Patch nd Brigade Training. Patch Aviation Logistics School. Patch th Field Artillery Brigade. Patch Intelligence Security Command. Patch 3rd Signal Brigade. Patch 13th Support Brigade. Patch 16th Engineer Brigade. Patch th Engineer Brigade. Patch 31st Air Defense Artillery Brigade. Patch th QM Quartermaster Command. Patch 7th Engineer Brigade. Patch 38th Air Defense Artillery Brigade.
Patch Medical Research Development Command. Patch Arizona National Guard. Patch Computer Systems Command. Patch Individual Ready Reserve. Patch 41st Field Artillery Brigade. Patch 72nd Field Artillery Brigade. Patch rd Infantry Brigade.
Patch th ADA Brigade. Patch 12th Aviation Brigade. Patch 17th Aviation Brigade. Patch 6th Cavalry Brigade. Patch 19th Support Brigade Subdued. Patch Information Systems Engineer Command. Patch Tab Armored School. Hell on Wheels 2nd Armored Tab. Patch 49th QM Quartermaster Group. Patch Infantry Scroll. Patch Special Operations Joint Forces.
Patch US Army Mission. Patch Sergeant Major Academy. USN Navy Patch. Patch Tab Red Airborne. Patch st Signal Brigade.