Please enter your name here. You have entered an incorrect email address! Introduction Enjoy the best of both worlds - wired and wireless. It is a January 3, January 2, Load more. Jayce Ooi - December 1, 0.
To brighten up the New Year festivities, Kingston Technology, a world leader in memory products and technology solutions, today announced the release of the November 10, Jayce Ooi - December 22, 4. Another downside of the latest version is that Thunder Networking Technologies has made it difficult to add other language packs. This could be their efforts to ensure that the software can only be used by the Chinese community.
Just use it for manual download. Copy the download link into the new file area put the URL in the box then the download will start. Well, if you dislike the weird symbols on your screen, then try out Xunlei 5 With English Translation Pack. Could u please help. Thank you. KeeMan Do u know any software to convert xunlei file. Feel very sad…. Is still working thunder 5.
Can i download torrents with thunder5. I am new to xunlei-thunder. I am trying to upload and transfer some files using thunder. Is it possible to do it from India? Mr KeeMan plz help me. See all File Sharing downloads. View more screenshots. License [? Last Updated: Oct 31, Category: File Sharing Software. Developer: Xunlei Ltd.
Limitations Xunlei is ad-supported.