Contact Us. About Us. Survey Manual. Key Officials. Careers and Employees. Doing Business. Emergency Management. Overview Science Multimedia Publications Web Tools FAQ A streamgage is a structure installed beside a stream or river that contains equipment that measures and records the water level called gage height or stage of the stream.
USGS Streamgages. Stage-Discharge Relations. Below is other information associated with USGS streamgaging activities. April 27, USGS Streamgaging Network The USGS Groundwater and Streamflow Information Program supports the collection and or delivery of both streamflow and water-level information at approximately 8, sites and water-level information alone for more than 1, additional sites.
The data are served online—most in near realtime—to meet many diverse needs. Water Resources. The USGS Groundwater and Streamflow Information Program supports the collection and or delivery of both streamflow and water-level information at approximately 8, sites and water-level information alone for more than 1, additional sites. Rapid Deployment Gages RDGs are fully-functional streamgages designed to be deployed quickly and temporarily to measure and transmit stream stage data in emergency situations.
Federal Priority Streamgages FPS are monitoring stations that track the amount of water in streams and rivers across the Nation and that meet one or more strategic, long-term Federal information needs. Get the facts and figures about the USGS Streamgaging Network, one of the largest streamgaging enterprises in the world! March 2, Surge, Wave, and Tide Hydrodynamics SWaTH Network During large coastal storms, the storm surge and waves are the main cause of destruction and landscape change, transporting saline water, sediment, and debris inland.
SWaTH monitors and documents the height, extent, and During large coastal storms, the storm surge and waves are the main cause of destruction and landscape change, transporting saline water, sediment, and debris inland.
Below are multimedia items associated with USGS streamgaging activities. Below are publications associated with USGS streamgaging activities. January 7, How does a U. Geological Survey streamgage work? Information on the flow of rivers and streams is a vital national asset that safeguards lives, protects property, and ensures adequate water supplies for the future. February 5, Monitoring the pulse of our Nation's rivers and streams—The U.
Around the same time, several cities in the Eastern United States established primitive streamgages to help design water-supply systems. Streamgaging technology has greatly advanced since t.
Below are data or web applications associated with USGS streamgaging activities. StreamStats provides access to spatial analytical tools that are useful for water-resources planning and management, and for engineering and design purposes. The map-based user interface can be used to delineate drainage areas, get basin characteristics and estimates of flow statistics, and more.
Available information varies from state to state. This site serves USGS water data streamflow, groundwater, water quality, site information, and statistics via automated means using web services and extensible markup language XML , as well as other popular media types.
Services are invoked with the REST protocol. These services designed for high fault tolerance and very high availability. This tool produces shapefiles that contain the delineated basins, basin characteristics, and flow statistics for multiple sites requested at once by users.
Before this tool can be used, the the points of interest will likely need to be edited in GIS so that they are coincident with the stream grid used by StreamStats for delineations and saved to a shapefile.
The StreamStats application uses data web services that were created for it. When in use, the application manages interactions between the user and the services. This mapper provides access to over 1. The user sends an email or text message containing a USGS current-conditions gaging site number, and will quickly receive a reply with the station's most recent data for one or more of its monitored parameters. The USGS develops regression equations for estimating streamflow statistics for every state, Puerto Rico, and a number of metropolitan areas in the U.
These equations have been compiled into the National Streamflow Statistics NSS Program for design, planning, management, and regulatory purposes. These estimates are often needed at ungaged sites where no observed flow data are available. The Groundwater Toolbox is a graphical and mapping interface for analysis of hydrologic data. It provides methods to estimate many of the components of the water budget for a hydrologic basin, including precipitation, streamflow, base flow, runoff, groundwater recharge and evapotranspiration.
Science Explorer. Mission Areas. Unified Interior Regions. Science Centers. Frequently Asked Questions. Educational Resources. Multimedia Gallery. Web Tools. Board on Geographic Names. The National Map. USGS Library. USGS Store. By: D. Phil Turnipseed and Vernon B. Buchanan and W. The Price AA meter is designed to be attached to a wading rod for measuring in shallow waters or to be mounted just above a weight suspended from a cable and reel system for measuring in fast or deep water.
In shallow water, the Pygmy Price current meter can be used. It is a two-fifths scale version of the Price AA meter and is designed to be attached to a wading rod. A third mechanical current meter, also a variation of the Price AA current meter, is used for measuring water velocity beneath ice. Its dimensions allow it to fit easily through a small hole in the ice, and it has a polymer rotor wheel that hinders the adherence of ice and slush.
The Doppler Effect is the phenomenon we experience when passed by a car or train that is sounding its horn. As the car or train passes, the sound of the horn seems to drop in frequency. The ADCP uses the Doppler Effect to determine water velocity by sending a sound pulse into the water and measuring the change in frequency of that sound pulse reflected back to the ADCP by sediment or other particulates being transported in the water. The sound is transmitted into the water from a transducer to the bottom of the river and receives return signals throughout the entire depth.
To make a discharge measurement, the ADCP is mounted onto a boat or into a small watercraft diagram above with its acoustic beams directed into the water from the water surface. The ADCP is then guided across the surface of the river to obtain measurements of velocity and depth across the channel.
Acoustic velocity meters have also been developed for making wading measurements picture to the left. The ADCP has proven to be beneficial to streamgaging in several ways. The use of ADCPs has reduced the time it takes to make a discharge measurement.
The ADCP allows discharge measurements to be made in some flooding conditions that were not previously possible.
Lastly, the ADCP provides a detailed profile of water velocity and direction for the majority of a cross section instead of just at point locations with a mechanical current meter; this improves the discharge measurement accuracy. Streamgages continuously measure stage, as stated in the "Measuring Stage"" section. This continuous record of stage is translated to river discharge by applying the stage-discharge relation also called rating. Stage-discharge relations are developed for streamgages by physically measuring the flow of the river with a mechanical current meter or ADCP at a wide range of stages; for each measurement of discharge there is a corresponding measurement of stage.
The USGS makes discharge measurements at most streamgages every 6 to 8 weeks, ensuring that the range of stage and flows at the streamgage are measured regularly.
Special effort is made to measure extremely high and low stages and flows because these measurements occur less frequently. The stage-discharge relation depends upon the shape, size, slope, and roughness of the channel at the streamgage and is different for every streamgage. The development of an accurate stage-discharge relation requires numerous discharge measurements at all ranges of stage and streamflow.
In addition, these relations must be continually checked against on-going discharge measurements because stream channels are constantly changing. Changes in stream channels are often caused by erosion or deposition of streambed materials, seasonal vegetation growth, debris, or ice. New discharge measurements plotted on an existing stage-discharge relation graph would show this, and the rating could be adjusted to allow the correct discharge to be estimated for the measured stage.
Most USGS streamgages transmit stage data by satellite to USGS computers where the stage data are used to estimate streamflow using the developed stage-discharge relation rating. The stage information is routinely reviewed and checked to ensure that the calculated discharge is accurate. In addition, the USGS has quality-control processes in place to ensure the streamflow information being reported across the country has comparable quality and is obtained and analyzed using consistent methods.
In addition to real-time streamgage data, the NWIS Web site also provides access to daily discharges and annual maximum discharges for the period of record for all active and discontinued streamgages operated by the USGS.
Streamgaging involves obtaining a continuous record of stage, making periodic discharge measurements, establishing and maintaining a relation between the stage and discharge, and applying the stage-discharge relation to the stage record to obtain a continuous record of discharge.
The USGS has provided the Nation with consistent, reliable streamflow information for over years. USGS streamflow information is critical for supporting water management, hazard management, environmental research, and infrastructure design. Want to learn more about how streamflow is measured? Follow me to the Streamgaging Basics website!