Triopoly game instructions

Alex Toys store has a retro looking Tripoley set that has everything needed to play. Include a pen and paper to write down the stakes as you go to make gameplay easier for everyone playing. To be able to properly follow the Tripoley rules the game needs a little bit of set up before playing.

Place the specialized game board in the middle of players, and divide up the game chips evenly to all players. If there are any remaining, set them aside so that everyone has an equal amount. Have all players place 1 of their chips on each segment of the game board including the middle, so players should place 9 chips onto the board each.

Shuffle the deck of cards, and then deal out all the cards to players one at a time. It is ok if one or more players have more cards than other players. Be sure to deal to an invisible player so that there is a spare hand as this is important for gameplay. So if there are 5 players, there should be 6 hands for example. Tripoley begins with the dealer looking at their hand, and deciding whether to keep it or swap with the invisible player.

They cannot look at the hand before swapping, and they cannot mix cards from the 2 hands. If the dealer opts out of swapping the hand, the highest bidder from the remaining players can swap hands instead. Tripoley has 3 separate stages. These are the first stage of collecting stakes, the second stage of Poker, and the third stage called Michigan. Players keep their originally dealt hands for all 3 stages of the game, making it vitally important to be happy with the hand originally dealt.

This is the beginning stage where players see if they can increase the number of chips that they start with to use later on in the game. A standard round of poker gets played here, where players use their skills to attempt to maximize their chips if possible.

This stage is the stage most like Rummy where players make sequences and melds with the cards. At this point, players either have a choice of continuing the game starting back at the first stage or ending the game.

Any coins left on the board, keep them on the board if continuing. If the game ends, then play a round of poker with freshly dealt cards to decide who claims them for their final total. Be sure to write down the number of chips that each player has after each game to be able to calculate who wins at the end of the game.

Either choose the player with the most chips at the end of the game as the winner. Or tally up the total chips accumulated after each game. The collecting stage gets integrated into the third stage instead. Players collect the chips once the card gets added to the sequence to speed up gameplay. The game can be continued on until players wish to stop.

When they do, there will probably be some unclaimed chips. These chips are typically played for with an extra round of poker. The winner takes all the extra chips. The player with the most chips is the winner of the game! Hi Mark, cards are not played out of hand in stage one. Players just collect chips in regards to what they are holding in their hands. To answer your question more thoroughly though, all cards in hand will be available to you through all three rounds.

A very contentious issue arose in our game tonight that nearly prompted my ousting from the family, and at a minimum may cause me to sleep on the couch for a week.

The issue is……must one play a card during Michigan Rummy or can they choose to not play that card? I must say my way of thinking was less than popular. Hi Keith, sorry to hear about your near ousting, but unfortunately your family was correct.

You must play the card. I hope this helps! My family has played this game for years over generations. However we have never automatically given the chips on the board to the person holding the corresponding cards, they must be played during Michigan in order to receive the chips. Hi Larrysue, you must have 9 chips in order to play a round of Tripoli.

You will need to purchase more chips if your group allows. My family 6 total play every Saturday night. Several comments and questions. First is that you only collect pay cards in the rummy hand which in turn can build the pots for each higher.

I notice everywhere you look there is no layout showing cards played by each player which brings to issue the problem of NOT playing a card as a strategy.

Unfortunately, you MUST play cards in sequence and use lowest card of that suit. What should happen and what if money was taken for a pay card? ANY help or suggestions. Hi Brian, I am having a little trouble with your comment, any further clarification would be wonderful.

As for what to do during a misplay, it really depends on the group, as there is no hard-fast rule. Might I suggest the offending player paying an additional stake into the pot, or possibly a complete reset of the board and payouts for this round. I hope this helps. Let me know if I can be of any further assistance. Thank you. Hey Amber. The situation was a player played 10 of diamonds instead of playing the 7 and then no other player played the jack because the player who had the 10 had the jack also.

I was thinking the cards that are played in rummy be lined up in front of you as you play and then when you lead with a card THAT card be offset from the other cards so the other players can see what cards you played AND see what ones you lead with so that they are the lost card in a suit.

We also play for nickels so it can be a little heated between family members. Hi Brian, so during the Michigan phase you are not allowed to bluff and must play cards in order.

As far as playing with cards in front of you, this may be a valid change of rules to prevent this in the future. The game also utilizes chips to bet. Once a hand is exchanged or auctioned, it may not go back. Players keep the same hand for all three parts of the game. Unclaimed chips are left for future hands so that someone may claim them. Betting Bets are placed in the pot space on the layout.

During gameplay in poker, when it is your turn to bet you have three options: Call. You may call by betting the amount wagered by a previous player. For example, if you bet 5 cents and another player raises the bet amount to a dime raises 5 cents , you may call on your turn by paying the pot 5 cents, thus matching the 10 cent bet amount.

You may raise by first betting the amount equal to the current wager and then bet more. This increases the wager or bet amount on the hand which other players must match if they wish to remain in the game.

You may fold by laying down your cards and not betting. You do not have to put money in the pot but you do sit out on that hand. You forfeit any money wagered and have no opportunity to win the pot. Showdown Once all players have put in equal stakes the showdown occurs. Typically, the game has a betting limit that is mutually agreed upon before starting.


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