Eagle Pledge I, states name … believe in the Boy Scouts of America … as a movement which has as its aim and purpose, … character building and citizenship training.
Eagle Challenge pdf. Eagle Challenge 2 This challenge is read out to the new Eagle Scout without any repetitions. All who know you rejoice in your achievement. You are a marked man. As an Eagle Scout, you have assumed a solemn obligation to do your duty to God, to Country, to your fellow Scouts, and to all of mankind. This is a great undertaking.
As you live up to your obligations, you bring honor to yourself and to your brother Scouts. But, these good things depend on the qualities she instills in her citizens.
As an Eagle Scout, you are prepared to help America in all that she needs most. She has a great past, and you are here to make her future even greater. Be a leader, but lead only toward the best. Lift up every task you do and every office you hold to the high level of service to God and your fellow men.
We have too many who use their strength and their intellect to exploit others for selfish gains. I charge you to be among those who dedicate their skills and ability to the common good. Cub Scouts Uniforms. Scouts BSA Uniforms. Venturing Uniforms. Tops Bottoms Hats and Caps.
Tops Outerwear Caps and Hats Accessories. Patches and Badges. Adventure Loops. Adventure Loops Belt Loops. Journey to Excellence. Rank Insignia. Webelos Activity. Tents Accessories Shelters. Camp Comfort. Chairs Hammocks Lifetime Furniture. Flashlights Lanterns Accessories Headlamps. Cameras Power Communication Batteries Entertainment. Camp Kitchen. Pinewood Derby. Raingutter Regatta. I call upon your Scoutmaster, Mr. Based upon these qualifications, Mr. You now have a new, more intense obligation to your church, your community, and your troop.
The knowledge you have gained in all areas of scouting will better enable you to be prepared for the future and its challenges. The Scout Motto of 'be prepared' now takes on special meaning. After his father is in position on the candidate's right and the Honor Guard has returned to their seats, continue with He will help you carry the standards of your award to the highest peak of attainment, since the very best is expected of an Eagle Scout in exemplary conduct, character, achievement, and leadership ability.
I am going to ask your father, who has stood by you so loyally to pledge his willingness to continue to help you. I am going to ask that she please rise and allow the Honor Guard to escort her to your side. The Honor Guard escorts the mother to the candidate's left. When completed, he continues You have been judged by the Boy Scouts of America as being worthy of this honor. All who know you rejoice in your achievement. This award, as you will know, is one of honor and responsibility.
You are a marked man. As an Eagle Scout, you have assumed a solemn obligation to do your duty to God, to Country, to your fellow Scouts, and to mankind in general. This is a great undertaking. As you live up to your obligations you bring honor to yourself and to your brother Scouts. Our country has had a great past. You can help make the future even greater. Be a leader, but lead only toward the best.
Lift up every task you do and every office you hold to the highest level of service to God and to your fellow man. I charge you to be among those who dedicate their hearts, hands, skills, and abilities to the common good.
Help to build America's future by continuing to set an example of clean living, honest work, unselfish citizenship and reverence for God, whatever others may do. You will leave behind you a record of which you may be justly proud. By the repetition of the Eagle Scout promise before your fellow members, you will become an Eagle Scout. When you pledge yourself on your sacred honor, you will be sealing your eternal loyalty to the code of the Eagle Scout with the same words which closed the Declaration of Independence.
Pause Scout sign; repeat after me;". I thoughtfully recognize On my honor, I will do my best To this I pledge my sacred honor. You have rededicated yourself to the principles of Scouting. But one more thing is important You become an example in your community. Remember that your actions are now a little more conspicuous and people will expect more of you. To falter in your responsibility would reflect not only on you, but on your fellow Eagles and all of Scouting.
The torch you carry is not only yours, but it is also ours. Having confirmed all readiness for the reception of this award, it is now time to formally present this high badge of accomplishment.
May the Oath you have taken always remain with you. Only from his hands could you receive your Eagle award at this moment. Letter should be read before presenting. As the symbol of what his mother has made possible, the court will now ask this Eagle to present his mother with a miniature Eagle pin.
When all the insignia have been presented, speaker gives the new Eagle Scout the Scout handclasp with the left hand. Right handshake should be used for each of the parents. That God may bless you and make you a blessing is our prayer.
The eagle soars high and seeks to rest only upon the lofty peaks. As an Eagle Scout, you too must soar high. You must not swerve from the path of duty. Your ideals must be lofty.
You must strive to obtain that which is the highest and noblest in life. Honor Guard: Escorts parents out. All remaining Boy Scouts follow, then Cub Scouts. Receiving line is formed in Fellowship Hall. Scout 1: The red of my flag is the lifeblood of brave men ready to die or worthily live for this, our country.
Lights candle. Scout 2: The white of my flag is for purity, cleanliness of purpose, thought, word, and deed. Scout 3: The blue of my flag is for faith and loyalty, like the eternal blue of the star filled heavens.
The time has come to recognize our recipient of the Eagle. Today, one individual will receive his Eagle. He has been tested along the scouting trail, and proudly wears at least twenty-one merit badges.
He has tasted the thrill of service to our community, and has found that it is truly better to serve than to be served. This is the voice of the Eagle - the Eagle whose heights you have struggled to reach. I remember when you came to the base of the cliff, and how you looked up with ambition and determination. Look back at the experiences you have encountered in your ascent.
These experiences should not be forgotten. You should profit by making sure the adverse. Do you remember when you took your first step on the Eagle trail? With those first steps you began to build yourself physically, mentally, and morally. You started living the Scout Oath and law. Soon you learned the symbolism inherent in the Scout badge; you learned that there are three points of the trefoil which stand for the three parts of the Scout Oath: Duty to God and country, duty to other people, and duty to yourself.
You learned of two important ideals in scouting, truth and knowledge. These are symbolized by two stars on either side of the badge. These stars are like those of the great outdoors which you have enjoyed on hikes and campouts. In adding the Eagle to the shield of the United States you are further reminded of your duty to country. You pledge to support and preserve its freedom. Pointing skyward is the sign of the north. Taken from the mariner's compass, it is a reminder of your duty to God and your obligation to respect the religious convictions of others.
From here the trail led through basic outdoor skills to the Second Class rank. This badge, with the corners of the scroll turned up in a scout smile admonished you to Be Prepared. The overhand knot reminds you of your daily good turn. At this point on the trail, some stop to catch their breath before continuing. But you began to study more and work harder.
Almost before you knew it you became a First Class scout. The badge you received is a combination of both Tenderfoot and Second Class, reminding that there is much more to being a scout than just attending meetings. Here you were tempted to remain, but your ambition stirred you on. The variety of merit badges gave your interest free reign.