Set in August , the game makes you a private investigator who travels to a small town. Your focus is a brutal vehicle murder and your journey will take you to a big house that contains a multitude of secrets. While you may think the empty place contains nothing but furniture, secret passageways filled with dark secrets await you.
You must solve a variety of puzzles and ultimately the bigger mystery itself. Good luck Get Alone in a Dark House 3.
The Mimic The Mimic is one of the most terrifying horror Roblox games we have come across. Featuring either single-player or multiplayer , the game is a horror adventure created across different chapters. The Mimic has been created from four different stories of Japanese history and urban legends with a twist. Disguised as four different books, each chapter will take you and your friends to mysterious worlds chock full of extremely scary level designs, loud noises that come out of nowhere, and a lot of jumpscares.
Check it out. Get The Mimic 4. Geisha If you like horror games that have urban legends baked right in, Geisha will serve perfectly for your Roblox adventures. Upon returning you find that your family is nowhere to be found leaving you confused. This intensely scary Roblox game will have players discovering the eerily silent house and looking for any clues.
Get Geisha 5. Finders Keepers Finders Keepers is a Roblox horror game that will make you work for the scares. You are once again an investigator although this time your specialty is the paranormal world. Tasked with investigating strange events at a family house, you need to figure out how the family disappeared by solving clues. These clues will come in the form of various hidden dark rooms and the pursuit of disks that you must gather.
However, be careful as the disks contain a demonic entity that will hunt you down. Full of scary jumpscares and scary sounds, Finders Keepers is an amazing horror mystery game. Get Finders Keepers 6. Much like the name, the game locks you in an underground maze that you must get out of. All you have for help is a flashlight with a limited battery and a camera.
The Maze is a Roblox horror game you can play with up to 12 players if you want. However, still, be cautious since this never-ending puzzle contains creatures of unknown origins that are out to hunt you down. Enjoy this team-based horror game in Roblox. Get The Maze. This popular Roblox horror game gives players the option to become either survivors or killers.
As a Survivor, you must run and hide from the killer that is out to get you and your friends. You can either hide alone or party up with friends and escape together. The Killer must eliminate as many players as they can before the victims can escape or the time runs out. One of the most played Robox Games in , Survive the Killer is a scary yet exciting adventure you and your friends can take for fun. Check it out Get Survive the Killer!
New Games Most Popular Games. Scary Games Play scary games at Y8. Try out games that can cause fright or a sudden feeling of fear, unless you are too afraid? Get lost in a wooded dark maze with slender man on your trail. Scary games fall into the horror category and could also featur haunted houses and paranormal beings like ghosts. All Multiplayer 2 Y8 Games Sort by: Popularity Rating Date. Silent Asylum WebGL. Trapdoor HTML5.
Flies in a Jar WebGL. Death Alley WebGL. Vampi 3D WebGL. Nekra Psaria Flash. Dead Man Dead Man. Slumber Party. Ghost Games. Halloween Games. Scary Games. Cancel reply You must be logged in to post a comment. Cat scratch works!! I tried it on my friend. We also did doors of the mind, and that worked too.
Samara sleepover game Items Needed: Tea light one friend 1. DO NOT turn tea light off, samara is still with you if you turn the tealight off samara will take you with her 7. Latest Posts. My Name is Tommy. We Need to Talk About Lucy. You set up three chairs in your basement: one is "the throne" where you sit, and the other two hold mirrors for "queen" and "fool" spirits to enter by.
After summoning the demons, you have exactly one hour and one minute to ask questions. All silly fun, except for one catch: you need a partner to call you back to the real world when your time is up. Nothing like admitting to a friend you need demonic therapy. For this one, you light a candle and set it up behind three chairs, where you and two friends sit. Then you invite the demons to join you but promise you won't look at them hence the name of the game.
Don't Look Behind You's rules are pretty genius in freaking you out, and laughing is a big no-no. If you don't take the game seriously, the demon will kill you. And obviously, you'll be dying to look behind you, but if you do, the demon will attack. Dry Bones is all about hiding.
You ask a deadly spirit into your house, and then try to hide from him until 3 AM. If you make it, your wish will be granted. If you don't, well It's scary if he shows up, but it's also scary if he doesn't, because you just sat alone, in the dark, in your house, until 3 AM.
And you've got stuff to do tomorrow. That's called being an adult. To set up your call, you'll need a paper cup, string attached to a needle, a shoebox, scissors, pen and paper, an object with a personal connection to the person you want to contact, and a dark closet.
At the end of the day before you go to sleep, turn off all distractions — your TV, your phone, etc — and spend some time meditating.
You want your mind as clear as can be. Then, when the time feels exactly right, start writing your letter. Don't correct any mistakes or cross anything out, just let everything flow. When you're done writing, tie the string to your object and, using the needle, guide the other end of the string through the bottom of the paper cup. Remove the needle and tie a knot so you have what looks like an old wired telephone.
Read your letter out loud into the cup, mistakes and all, with full intention. If at any moment you start feeling doubt, abort the mission! You may get the wrong number.
Once you're done reading, put your letter and the object, which should still be attached to the cup, into the shoebox. Close the shoebox and place the cup standing on top of the lid. In time, you'll receive a "call. If the box is closed with the cup still upright on top, it's safe to take the call. Put the cup to your ear and listen. It's important to never speak during this received call, even if asked questions. Once the call is over, snap the string. Discard the cup never put it to your ear again and leave the shoebox closed for some time.
Shortly before 3 AM, turn off all of the lights in your house. Go into a room, close the door, and light a candle. At 3 AM on the dot, knock on the door three times and repeat this phrase three times: "Spirit of the door, I welcome you.
Make yourself present and come through. After a few minutes, if the paper remains where you left it, your attempt did not work. Try again another time. If your paper is gone, the ghost is writing you a message. If the paper does not reappear, abort the mission and try again another time but don't open the door until daytime.
If the paper returns, read the message. Repeat this process two more times to ask a total of and no more than three questions. If at any time you're told to go away, listen! After asking your three questions, thank the ghost for its time and blow out the candle.
Don't open the door again until daylight. A game about pushing buttons and following directions should be right up the alley of most adults. If you think about it, most jobs today are just following directions and pushing buttons. But it's pretty rare for data entry to result in portals to other worlds and creepy women hoping for the chance to eat a human soul. It's debated whether or not the elevator game should be played alone or if you can play it with friends.
But either way, to get started, step into an elevator. And it's important to note that if anyone gets on or off the elevator at any time in the sequence, you have to start over. Press the button for the 5th floor. If a woman enters here, don't talk to her! She's not human and will take you if you do. Press the button for the 1st floor. The elevator will either go up or down.
If you end up on the first floor, get off the elevator! If you end up on the tenth floor, you are in the other world. The woman who got on at the fifth floor may try to talk to you — don't answer her. You'll know you're in the other world because your phone won't work, and you won't be able to see anything out of the windows except a red cross.
To get back to our real world, follow the same steps. If you start ascending back to the tenth floor after the fifth, press any other button to cancel the ascension. Once you reach the first floor, very carefully assess your surrounding to make sure you're no longer in the other world. As an added disturbing bonus, this is rumored to be the game that Elisa Lam was playing prior to her untimely death. If you play The Picture Game right, you'll capture a photo of a ghost!
To play, you'll need string or a rope, two small mirrors, a camera with the flash on, a glass filled with some alcohol, and something sharp like scissors or a knife. First, make the rope into a circle and knot it, then place it on the floor in the middle of the room.
Put the glass of alcohol into the middle of the circle and with the lights off, sit around the circle with your mirrors in front of you pointed up towards the ceiling. Close your eyes and hold hands, and in turn, each person should say "I trust you. Open your eyes and pass the camera around the circle.
Whoever has the camera should take a photo of whatever is in front of them remember, flash on and say "I caught you. To end the game and hopefully send whatever ghost you summoned back to where it came from, everyone in unison should say "It is time to go home" and turn your mirrors face down. Turn on the lights, cut the rope circle open, and pour the glass of alcohol outside.
To play, you need a candle, pen and paper, matches or a lighter, salt, a wooden door, and most importantly and grotesquely, a drop of your own blood. Write your full name on the piece of paper along with a drop of your own blood.