Method 1. Open the Control Panel. Click the Start menu, and then click Control Panel. On Windows 8, you can open the Start menu by clicking the Start button in the lower-left corner of the screen, pressing the Windows logo key on your keyboard, or opening charms and then clicking start. Open the uninstall tool.
In the Control Panel window, under Programs, click Uninstall a program. Locate Windows Essentials. Windows Live Messenger was bundled together with Windows essentials.
In the program list, scroll down to find Windows Live Essentials, and then click to select it. Start uninstalling Windows Live Messenger. In the dialog box, click Uninstall, and then click Continue. At this point, you may be prompted for an admin password. Type your admin password to continue. Finish uninstalling Windows Live Messenger. In the dialog box, click Windows Live Messenger to select it, and then click Uninstall.
Windows Live Messenger is uninstalled. Method 2. Determine your version of Windows XP. Click the Start menu, right-click My Computer, and then click Properties. In the System Properties window, click the General tab.
Go to source Service Pack 1 added a user interface for disabling Windows Live Messenger, but not uninstalling it. Go to source. Disable Windows Live Messenger. The string I posted in my second comment 2 posts above was one I found on every places I went to. It was always the same, regardless of place. The one I found in my registry, however, was different. I do not, however, recommend using the above string right away.
I suggest you rather check in your own registry first, to see if the string is the same or not. And wether or not it is, I still suggest using the one you find in your own registry. This solved my problem. However, I can not be held responsible if something goes wrong on your system by following these instructions. All actions performed by you are executed on your own responsibility.
We are sorry for the inconvenience. Do you know what this means and how I can fix it? Thank you SO much. Clear, concise instructions led me to a successful uninstall of this buggy, sneaky version. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Thank you SO much! In control panel I have no repair option. I only have uninstall or change.
Uninstall does nothing and never invokes the deinstaller so I can chose what components or all to remove.
I tried reinstalling it — does not let me cause it says I have it already. I installed the Windows Install Clean up Utility and although it executes it does nothing but sit there for eternity. Task manager says its running but it never does any thing and does not show any progress. I followed instructions to change the compatibility tab given play keno online I am running Vista.
I am at wits end here. Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated. There is another simple way to remove WLM if the description in the above post is not working. That was very informative. I love this site. It was easy to understand and you explained so well. So I managed to uninstall the new messenger and installed the 8. Is there any way to get around that? You are the BEST!!!!
I am getting zero help from Microsoft with this issue. I told them I felt as though I was getting the run around. Thanks man, this really helps. This helped lots. I have read the article but I an not sure if I had the beta or not. I have also received error code 0xffff Catastropic failure.
Please help me!!!! No more gloating stares from that little person from the bottom right of my screen. Thanks GOD. I have windows vista and have the same problem. I did a search for windows live essentials but it came up with nothing. Any idea as to what I can do? Some handy guy called Leonardo on another site had this solution and it worked for me:.
Thank you Thank you Thank God for you, the wind beneath my wings. I cannot delete my WLM although i trying to do what have been told here.
In other hand, I try to reinstalled, but in shown that I have installed the messenger. And later, I delete the whole folder of the WLM, but it still the same thing. Btw, I using window vista. When I click uninstall it goes to the security thing and then does nothing else. I am so sick of this.
I have been trying for hrs to remove live messenger without any luck at all. Can you please tell me how to remove it from my system. I can not see any Windows Live components in programs list… When I try to reinstall it, it shows that it is already installed on my computer, but it is not working!
Do not see it and can not uninstall it. What to do? I need Messenger…. First of all.. After reading many other forums that said add this and that or delete this and that first but none of them worked until i found your advice, Brilliant worked first time thank you very much!!
So… I used google not adv. Okay guys i had the same problem as some of you. I wanted to uninstall windows live beta so i went to control panel and did it the obvious way. A box will come up with a list of every thing you have on your computer. Scroll down the list until you find Windows live Essentials, Windows live writer, Windows live Messenger and whatever else you want to get rid of.
Select them one at a time and click delete. From there you should be able to install whatever version of messenger you want. S i copied this message i wrote from another site, im trying to help as many people as i can who are having this issue as i realize trying to get rid of wlm 9 is almost impossible to do. Then I went to the website to get the new one but it said i already have it when I dont!!
Thank you very much for this helpful information. I have uninstalled this large, clunky bundle of joy and now my computer starts up much faster as a result. Thank you. Plzz HELP. Oh my God, thank you SO much for this!
Thank you! Leo: I searched and tried various methods to uninstall Windows Live Messenger. It worked beautifully!! I uninstalled the messenger and wen i go to re-install its still saying i still have i. Thanks Russ. I have problem.
I dont have Windows Live Essentials.. I cant delete it.. But still it says that i have messenger and i cant delete it too.. Coz i cant found live in my computer. I hate live messenger.. So quick and simple i would never have found it unaided. Did exactly what you said it would!! So any solution to solve this problem???? How can I unisntalled this. Thanks for explaining how to get rid of that piece of extreme crap software.
I cannot believe the amount of lousy [edited] Microsoft makes…my God, I tried 20 times to import and add contact persons form the 4. I cant getted off I try to install the new messeger the told me i have to ininintall windows live.
Please help me. Hi, i have a question how i can uninstall window live messeger from my computer? Look i did delete all da programs that goes with messeger even messeger to from your example, but still when i try to download another messeger its says that i hav messeger already but how to unistall it? I have done what you said and it will not uninstall…when I hit uninstall it just blinks and does nothing. This actually helped me out so much. I was surprised as how difficult they were making this.
I was at a loss but you cleared it up in one shot!! Has anyone else encountered this that could help me? Thank you in advance. Useless atricle. You have taken your time to eventually say what MOST people would already have tried in th first place. This problem is like a virus.
Thanks for the article. I tried but no luck!!! Ive tried to uninstall the windows live essentials and it blinks and then doesnt uninstall and then i rebooted my computer and it didnt work. What should I do? I have tried to follow your advise. Everytime is try to remove the Windows Live Essentials file it asks me for permision, I click continue and then nothing happens…. My Windows Live Messenger Dutch language version will not open, be removed, or cancel removal. I just uninstalled other programs without any problems at all.
I downloaded Perfect Uninstaller, and … it would not initialize. How do I get rid of WLM? No rocket sience in this article at all, I did all that as advanced users would normally do. You do not deliver any clue of info on how to do it, go ahead and do that please! I have the same problem as Danie Horn above. I did as u said but at the end instead of saying removed it says the programme has has been installed. I try to reinstall messenger because It just dissapeared one day when I tried to open it, but it says there is already an installation in progress, ive deleted everything I could find left behind to do with it, including a file in C: Program Data like WLM something or other to do with installation but no luck?
You rule, Sam! I clicked a link on the Messengergeek page you recommended and from there eventually found this updated page:. Regarding uninstalling windows live messenger: Thank You it worked exactly as you stated.
I had the same problem and did follow your instructions but the uninstall process is not successful rather the opposite happens. It was installed to my computer again. Do I need to unsubscribe from Windows Live Messenger to fix these things? Finally, back to normal.. I only installed this to use once to talk to a friend and now I appear to be stuck with the rubbish.
I downloaded windows Liev Messenger by mistake. I found your page and tried the unstall from Live Ess. It is gone gone.
Thak you so much. I tried both ways on doing this I removed it all already but it says its still on my computer. I tried the run thing but that doesnt work is there anythign else I can try? Thank you so much Leo! All morning, I used every method in an attempt to remove live messenger.
Luckily, finally, I found your site and was able to remove Live Messenger using the above method. Microsoft certainly makes this task almost impossible to discover without some help! Thank you so much! This uninstall was driving me crazy before I came across this helpful page. Great article — but the admonition against install Beta software is misplaced as MSN Live Messenger actually forces you to upgrade before you can use the program.
What other program compels a user to update before it can be used? It should be a choice. God Leo, you have NO idea how much I love you right now!!! Thanks so much for showing us how to get rid of Windows Live Messenger! Thank you, thank you, I finally was able to remover the Windows Live Messenger popup.
I tried to log in to messenger but i couldnt. So i went to uninstall windows live. I found other entries of windows messenger on my laptop i deleted them too. I tried installing a messenger 7. BUT i already uninstalled the new messenger.. Please oh please help me! Thank you thank you thank you! Running xp. Thank you sooo much for the great advise!
While Live Mail is a lifesaver for me since I can easily check all my mail accounts in a sec no problem ever in any version , MSN 9 is a total disappointment! Lots of problems and especially when trying to open the cam…. My system is now running very sluggish.
I found the Windows Live Essentials but I can not uninstall. I click the remove.. Please advise!!! Is there any others way to totally remove window live messenger 9 from my pc. Running on XP. Neither can i reinstall it as it keeps say i have the latest version in my computer.
How come??? How to fix this??? My computer freeze so often once i use the new window live messenger. How come so many problem still force us to get the latest one? I am happy to use older version if can. I have a problem with my windows live messenger 9. I installed it,but it doesn;t work,so i want to uninstall it.
Can somebody help me please? Looks like its a forced upgrade now, but i got around it. Im using windows xp and version 8. It wouldnt log in and wanted to force me to upgrade. I got around that by running it in windows compatibili ty mode. There is an uninstaller available at msn-tools. I cant say it works myself as i didnt need to use it so if u try it, u do so at your own peril.
Nothing in this article was releavant since windows live essentials simply never showed up in add remove programs. But the comments section helped a great deal. This has been a big pesky problem. Thanks to Claude I picked up the uninstaller from msn-tools. Nothing had worked. Thank you so much for the instructions for uninstalling this.
I searched everywhere and was about to give up hope. Thank you for making it clear and concise. I cannot even use e-mail stationery from Outlook Express sites. I have been racking my brain to get the simple messenger back and it will not come up for me. I tried the few passwords that it would most likely be and it kept giving me an error message telling me i could not sign on. Can you help me? I had similar problem with MSN Windows Mwssenger, and it was making my laptop slow, at leat I think it was, i still need to re-boot and find out!!
The above simple instructions about Beta files and uninstalling MSN are very simple, and job done!!! Thaks guys. Hello Mr. I have the same problem uninstalling Windows Live Messenger. What I use is Final Uninstaller. I used your tip to uninstall Windows Live Essentials meg, but on clicking the Change remove no further options open up, the hourglass thinks about it then nothing!
Next best option advice please. When i went to the control panel to do as instructed the windows essential tool was not there what do i do? So with that in mind what it took for me was to use a program called CCleaner.
From here you can remove each individual component of the new windows live. I use it because Windows mail which automatically includes me often falls on my connection so I decided to uninstall. I went to Control Panel ADD Or remove program and Windows Essentials and click uninstal and I thought that uninstall, but not when they actually install the messenger would say that the first I have to uninstall, but I do not know how so please help!
So I messenger to find us on ADD programs and remove us anywhere. Please help what to do? I hope the answer. Is there a way to fix that? I removed windows live essentials and everything else i could find related to it, but when i tried to reinstall it, it kept saying i already have it. Control panel, add remove programs. After it does, scroll to bottom and uncheck the box that says windows messenger.
Where I can find the umbrella uninstaller for Windows Live Messenger????? It kept telling me I need to have admin rights to do this which I had. Trying to remove windows live messenger it wont allow me to do so or upgrade it , I also cant remove windows live essentials which is its umbrella file. I got a problem!
I am downsizing the contents of my notebook for optimum performance. It also kept popping up unwanted. Annoyance resolved! Thanks a heap! I removed windows live essentials bt when i try to redownload it, it says i alredy have it what do i do?
What do i need to do? I did everything the guide said, and the final uninstalled screen came up, but when I try to reinstall it says I already have it! Thank you,thank you, thank you!! The uninstall worked perfectly on Vista. How do i completely uninstall it from here?
Great instructions many thanks, it appear someone had captured my live mail and sending messages Porn stuff in my name. Thanks for the advice Leo. I tried the tool suggested by eddsn, and it worked very well. This was really helpful! Thanks for all the help. Windows Live Essentials is not listed. Neither did Reevo uninstaller discover WLM on my laptop. Then i came across a blog which gave a command and a reader provider more info on where one can find the product id that needs to go with the command.
For e. Where can u get your code? Please close all other open programs,and then try again. It looks like another program is preventing the installer from working. Leo, Great tool you have here. I had problems with the WLM and with your step by step procedure i finally remove it. Thank you, continue the good job. The eddsn path below worked for me to repair my Live Msgr I did see that the new Windows Live Messenger was larger than the older versions.
Now I know why, thank you and this was very helpful. It really is very simple, I just didnt know what Essentials was.
Apparently nobody else exept you does…. Expand the Local Computer Policy list. Select Enabled and then click OK. Click Services. Then find Messenger within the list of programs. Right click it and choose Properties. In the Start Search box, type Windows Update. Select Windows Update from the program list. If there are updates available for installation, select Install Updates. If not, select Check for Updates.
Ensure that you install the latest version of Windows Live Essentials on your computer before continuing.