Lm6000 pf iso power

The compact design with half the weight of other large aeroderivative gas turbines at only 17, pounds 7, kilograms makes the LM PC gas turbine the ideal turbine that will generate more power in less space. Because of its small foot print the LM gas turbine power plant is the first choice for many factories globally. The GE LM gas turbine power plant is a complete plant that has been well maintained since installation on site. The industrial power plant was built to operate on duel fuel Natural Gas or Diesel Fuel.

The LM gas turbine power plant with its duel fuel option makes it an ideal power supply for any facility. Affordable Option: We provide affordable solutions for your energy needs by providing a secure and stable power supply through a Power Purchase Agreement PPA contract, where we build, own and operate BOO small to medium size power plants and sell the power to your facility at a very competitive rate.

The Gas Turbine Generator Package includes multiple mechanical and electrical systems which are required for proper operation of the unit as a whole. These systems include starting, lubrication, fuel delivery and air handling.

For each system described in this section, the operator will be introduced to: Documentation for each system Theory of operation Location of major components Function of components and normal operation of system Operator Interface Display and requirements Abnormal operation, alarm and shutdown actions. The mechanical and electrical drawings are the documents that define the configuration of this unit. The mechanical and electrical drawings provided have been carefully detailed to include all the engineering and design data required to fully understand and operate this turbine-generator system.

The mechanical drawings illustrate sub-system flows, both off-skid and on-skid. The electrical drawings illustrate interconnection of the devices identified on the mechanical drawings and, therefore, should be used in conjunction with the mechanical drawings.

The most important key to reading and understanding mechanical and electrical equipment drawings is your ability to read symbols. You must be able to identify and read symbols to successfully interpret the technical and operational information that equipment drawings provide.

Because space is often at a minimum on drawings, abbreviations are used to identify equipment components. Two of the most useful drawings available to help in understanding equipment drawings are the Flow and Equipment Symbols, Mechanical drawings and the Electrical Symbols, Abbreviations and Reference Data Drawings.

Flow and Equipment Symbols- Mechanical drawings are used to indicate the type of mechanical components installed in your system. They will identify the symbols and provide the names and name abbreviations of mechanical equipment symbols, piping symbols, hydraulic symbols, safety devices, and connection points located on your equipment.

Electrical Symbols, Abbreviations and Reference Data drawings are used to indicate the type of electrical components installed in your system. They will identify the symbols and provide the names and name abbreviations of basic electrical symbols, circuit breakers, contacts, relays, and switches. They will also provide you with the symbols for transmission paths, one-line diagrams, and transformers. Flow in gpm or scfm , filtration requirements, pressure-limiting, and shutdown responses are identified on these drawings.

Together with the wiring and system wiring diagrams, these drawings define each system and its related components. Flow and Instrument Drawings also include material lists which identify each component by tag number, device description, manufacturer, and part number. General Arrangement Drawings These drawings provide isometric, plan-and-elevation, and physical configuration data about major pieces of equipment, including skid interconnection-interface information and installation and footprint data.

Data regarding the actual size and dimensions of major equipment may also be found on these drawings. This LM system consists of an enclosed main turbine skid, a generator and one or more auxiliary skids. The main skid contains a General Electric GE turbine engine Model LM connected to an air-cooled generator through an engine-generator coupling.

The gas turbine generator package is equipped with a main unit enclosure. The enclosure has separate compartments for the generator and the gas turbine. Each compartment is provided with access doors and AC lighting.

The turbine and generator compartment walls are supported by a structural steel framework and will withstand external wind loading plus the internal pressure developed by the fire extinguishing system. Enclosure walls are a sandwich construction filled with insulation blankets of high temperature sound attenuation material. The turbine compartment contains an integral overhead bridge crane to facilitate engine removal. This unit will reduce the nominal rpm 60Hz LP rotor shaft output speed down to the generator input speed of rpm.

The speed reduction gear is typically lubricated by the generator mineral lube oil system and is equipped with a turning gear motor for assisted rotation during start-up and cooldown. Inlet Air System Module The overhead air filter housing provides filtration for turbine combustion air and ventilation air for both the turbine enclosure and generator.

The inlet air system is discussed separately under the Ventilation and Combustion Air System. The system also includes silencer assemblies for noise control.

Turbine Exhaust The LM exhausts through a flange located in the end of the turbine enclosure. This axial exhaust provides low restrictions and a direct path into optional or customer-supplied silencing or heat recovery equipment.

The LM static barrier filter removes more than Typical airflow volumes through the filter assembly during baseload operation are listed below: Engine Combustion Air.

Noise Control The enclosure and air inlet silencer reduce the average near field noise to 85 dB at three feet 1. Far-field noise levels will be determined by the design of the heat recovery system or exhaust silencer.

For most applications the steady-state noise levels emanating from one standard LM 60 Hz generator package at feet m will comply with 59 dB. Lower noise limits can be provided with optional silencing equipment. Noise control will depend on the scope of the equipment supplied, the site plan, and project specific requirements. Noise control may be selected either to meet current noise requirements, or at a level to allow for future site expansion. The control room may customer-supplied or GE supplied skid-mounted structure.

When handling oil used in gas turbines, do not allow oil to remain on skin any longer than necessary. It contains a toxic additive that is readily absorbed through the skin.

Personal protective equipment will be worn when handling turbine oil. NOTE: Oil consumption is not expected to exceed 0. Please refer to the latest revision of this drawing for correct, site-specific configuration and settings. The LM lube oil system has two distinct sub-systems; a pressurized supply system and a separate scavenge system. Each subsystem has its own filtration. A multi-element lube oil pump, containing both a supply one 1 element and scavenges elements six 6 elements, circulates oil through the system.

A reservoir, lube oil coolers, piping, valves, and instrumentation complete the system. The supply element takes suction from the gallon liters stainless steel turbine lube oil reservoir mounted on the auxiliary skid.

Discharge pressure from the supply element is piped to the duplex supply lube oil filters, rated at six 6 microns. Two-way selector valves allow either filter to be on-line while the other is being serviced. From the supply lube oil filters the lube oil is piped to the turbine supply header to lubricate bearings, gearboxes and the hydraulic starter clutch.

The collective oil discharged from all the scavenge elements also passes over a common magnetic chip detector. The Chip The oil then flows past a pressure relief valve which lifts when excess oil pressure is sensed, returning excess oil directly to the reservoir. The primary oil flow is then routed to the scavenge filters, where it is filtered to 6 microns. Then the oil flows to the turbine lube oil coolers, where the hot oil is cooled before being returned to the reservoir.

A temperature control valve on the cooler discharge bypasses oil around the oil coolers when the oil temperature is below the setpoint. As the oil temperature increases, the temperature control valve starts mixing the warmer oil with cooler oil from the coolers to maintain a preset temperature.

Oil is then returned to the reservoir and the vent pressurization air is released to atmosphere. It also has a level switch and temperature switch. Lube Oil Supply and Scavenge Pump The lube oil supply and scavenge pump assembly is located on the right rear side of the accessory gearbox. It has one supply element and six scavenge elements. The supply element provides gpm. The pump is a positive displacement type pump. The scavenge elements will discharge a combined total of gpm. Scavenge Oil Filters The duplex scavenge lube oil filters are located on the auxiliary skid.

The filters have a local pressure differential pressure gauge, an alarm pressure differential switch set at 20 psid kPad , and a shutdown differential pressure switch set at 25 psid kPad. Supply Lube Oil Filters The duplex supply lube oil filters are located on the auxiliary skid. Bearings And Gearboxes Bearings are classified into two broad categories; friction, also commonly known as plain or Babbitt type, and anti-friction, which contain rollers or balls that makes a rolling contact with the shaft.

The gas turbine utilizes anti-friction type bearings, whereas the generator has friction type bearings. Bearings have the following functions. They support the load on the shaft.

The load may be a gear or the shaft itself. This is accomplished both by design and by lubrication and is one of the most important functions of bearings. A specially designed bearing is required for this purpose. A high speed-rotating shaft has a tendency to whip unless adequately supported by bearings. A pressure header provides lube oil to each of the bearings to lubricate and cool them. The roller bearings support the radial loads of the shafts, while the ball bearings absorb the shafts axial and radial loads.

The pressure header also provides oil to lubricate and cool the inlet gearbox, transfer gearbox, and the accessory gearbox. As the oil drains through the bearing and gearboxes, it collects in sumps. Each sump is drained by a scavenge pump that suctions the oil from the bottom of the sumps. The airflow is of sufficient volume and pressure to maintain a positive airflow inward across the inner seals to the inner sump cavity.

This positive airflow carries with it any oil on the seals, thus retaining the oil within the inner cavity. Sump pressurization air enters the outer sump cavity through a pressurizing port. This air then passes across the oil seals into the inner sump cavity, where it is vented to the air-oil separator.

Sump pressurization air also passes outward across the outer seals to the engine cavity. The lube oil is then scavenged out of the bearing sumps and the gearboxes by one of six scavenge oil pump elements of the lube oil supply and scavenge pump.

Each of the six scavenge lines are equipped with resistance thermal devices RTD to measure scavenge oil temperature after leaving the bearing housing.

The RTDs allow for operator monitoring, alarming and shutdown of the turbine if temperature setpoints are met. The third is located in the common discharge line from all scavenge oil pumps.

This collection of metal is usually caused by degradation of the bearings or gears in the engine. The chip detectors normally read ohms when clean. As particulate matter collects on the magnet, the resistance reading gets lower. At ohms an alarm is sounded at the control console.

Temperature Control Valve The temperature control valve regulates lube oil return temperature by bypassing some of the hot oil around the lube oil cooler and mixing it with the cool oil from the oil cooler. The thermostatic valve is a fully automatic, 3-way fluid temperature controller for mixing application. Temperature is sensed at port A valve outlet. As the oil, temperature continues to rise port B starts to close off and port C starts to open, mixing the hot and cool oils.

The valve continually modulates the oil flow, maintaining a nominal oil temperature of F 43 C. The oil is then returned to the lube oil reservoir.

As discussed previously, the lube oil is returned to the reservoir after passing through or bypassing the lube oil cooler, as determined by the three-way thermostatically controlled valve. The lube oil cooler utilizes the principles of conduction, convection or radiation in order to transfer heat from the lube oil to a medium, typically air, water or some other fluid, depending on cooler design.

Lube oil coolers employed in the Gas Turbine Generator application are typically one of three basic designs. They are:. Fin Fan Cooler The fin fan cooler is a heat-exchanger that uses air as the cooling medium. Oil is passed through the inner tubes of the cooler, and air is forced across the outside of the tubes to decrease the temperature of the circulating oil.

The fin fan heat exchanger is a radiator-type heat exchanger that uses electric fans to force air through the radiator, thereby cooling the lubricating oil.

After oil passes through the heat exchanger, it is routed directly to the lube oil reservoir. During cold startups, oil may be bypassed around the fin fan heat exchanger if the thermostatic control valve determines the temperature to be lower than the set point. During normal operation, the temperature control valve regulates lube oil return temperature by bypassing some of the hot oil around the lube oil heat exchanger and mixing it with the cool oil from the oil cooler.

The thermostatic valve is a fully automatic, three-way fluid temperature controller for mixing application. The valve continually modulates the oil flow, maintaining a nominal oil temperature. Shell and Tube Type Cooler Shell-and-tube coolers serve to cool the lubricating oil. The shell-and-tube cooler consists principally of a bundle also called a bank or nest of tubes encased in a shell.

The cooling liquid generally flows through the tubes. The liquid to be cooled enters the shell at one end, is directed to pass over the tubes by baffles, and is discharged at the opposite end of the shell.

In other coolers of this type, the cooling liquid flows through the shell and around the tubes; the liquid to be cooled passes through the tubes. The tubes of the cooler are attached to the tube sheets at each end of the shell. This arrangement forms a tube bundle that can be removed as a unit from the shell. The ends of the tubes are expanded to fit tightly into the holes in the tube sheets; they are flared at their outer edges to prevent leakage. One tube sheet and a bonnet are bolted to the flange of the shell.

This sheet is referred to as the stationary-end tube sheet. The tube sheet at the opposite end floats in the shell, a design that allows for expansion of the tube bundle. Packing rings, which prevent leakage past the floating-end tube sheet, are fitted at the floating end between the shell flange and the bonnet. The packing joint allows for expansion and prevents the mixing of the cooling liquid with the liquid to be cooled in-side the shell by means of a leak-off, or lantern, gland that is vented to the atmosphere.

Transverse baffles are arranged around the tube bundle in such a manner that the liquid is directed from side to side as it flows around the tubes and through the shell. The deflection of the liquid ensures the maximum cooling effect. Several of the baffles serve as supports for the bank of tubes. These baffles are of heavier construction than those that only deflect the liquid.

Plate Heat Exchangers Plate heat exchangers use a number of gasketed metal plates that are compressed together. The plates are designed to allow transfer of heat from one circulating fluid to another. Cooling water enters and flows through one plate, while lube oil flows through the next. Inside the heat exchanger, plates are arranged to provide alternate hot and cold sections, thereby sandwiching the hot lube oil plates between two cold water plates and allowing maximum heat transfer.

As oil and water flows through the plates, the large surface area allows heat to be transferred from the hot lube oil to the cooler circulating water. Plate heat exchangers are more efficient than conventional shell and tube heat exchangers because they provide more surface area for better heat transfer. In addition they are smaller in size, require less water, and can operate at higher pressures than comparable shell and tube heat exchangers.

The vent air flows through the first separator, which has a filter pad that collects most of the oil mist trapped in the vent air. The vent air then goes through an air-to-vent air heat exchanger, followed by the second stage of oil separation passing through a filter pad in the second separator chamber. Collected oil is returned to the turbine lube oil reservoir and the air is discharged to atmosphere. Turbine External Lube Oil Operation Lubricating oil is drawn from the turbine lube oil reservoir into the supply pump suction at turbine connector L1.

The supply pump discharges pressurized oil through turbine connector L6 to the duplex filter assembly lube oil supply filter , removing particles 6 , absolute, from the oil.

Some filtered oil is taken to the supply valve actuator in the turbine hydraulic system, but most of the filtered supply oil is returned to the turbine at connector L3. The turbine supply oil pressure is monitored by instruments on the turbine gauge panel. Pressure switches respond according to oil pressure and transmit switch closures to the turbine control system. The control system evaluates information relative to speed and initiates action accordingly.

Oil supply pressure gauge PI indicates supply pressure at the turbine oil header, and pressure transmitter PT transmits this information to the TCP. Some filtered supply oil from the turbine oil header at turbine connector L3 is used by turbine VG hydraulic pump to operate the turbine VG system.

A filter, integral to the VG system, filters pump output. Most oil supplied to turbine oil header at connector L3 is used to lubricate and cool turbine bearings. The turbine scavenge pump scavenges lubrication oil mixed with air from turbine bearings and discharges the air-oil mixture to the external lube oil system via turbine scavenge oil discharge connector L2.

The turbine scavenge oil header pressure at L5 is monitored by instruments on the turbine gauge panel. Scavenge oil pressure gauge PI indicates scavenge oil pressure at scavenge oil pump discharge. Pressure transmitter PT senses pressure at the scavenge oil pump discharge and transmits that information to the control system.

Pressure switch PSH opens to notify the control system of high scavenge oil back pressure when pressure at the turbine oil header is psig kPag. At switch opening, the control system initiates an alarm. A check valve in the filter line prevents oil from the scavenge discharge from draining back into the turbine. Pressure-relief valve PSV limits scavenge back pressure to psig kPag. The scavenge oil pump discharge at scavenge oil discharge connector L2 is routed to the scavenge oil filter assembly and is filtered through a selected duplex element.

Filtered scavenge oil is then cooled by a selected cooler in the heat exchanger before being returned to the reservoir for recirculation. The portion of oil actually routed through the selected cooler is determined by three-way, thermostatic valve TCV This valve apportions oil flow through the selected cooler, as required, to maintain the outlet temperature at F All oil below F Bearing sumps are vented through the air-oil pre-separator, the air-air heat exchanger, and the air-oil separator.

The air-oil separator system removes entrained vent air from the lube oil. The oil is returned to the reservoir. Customer instrument air connector [55] provides air to the LPT at connectors A23, A24, A25, and A28 for air purge cooling after shutdown. The air pressure regulator maintains the purged air pressure at 30 psig kPag. Turbine External Lube Oil Features The external lube oil system equipment consists of several major assemblies plus interconnects piping and related monitoring instruments.

The equipment components are located on the turbine-generator skid and the auxiliary skid. Thermometers are mounted at appropriate points in the piping and oriented for direct observation. Pressure gauges, mounted on one of two gauge panels, directly indicate operating pressures while pressure switches and transmitters, mounted on the same panels, input the pressure information to the control system.

Manually operated ball valves throughout the piping facilitate component maintenance. The external lube oil system components on the turbine-generator skid consist of system piping and instrumentation to monitor the turbine oil pressures at the turbine inlet and outlet connectors. The external lube oil system components on the auxiliary skid consist of piping and valving, instrumentation to monitor filter condition, oil reservoir, filter assembly, scavenge oil filter assembly, heat exchangers, and oil tank flame arrestor and demister.

Turbine Lube Oil Reservoir The turbine lube oil reservoir is a gallon tank containing synthetic oil on the auxiliary skid. The reservoir is filled via a fill cap and basket strainer, and may be drained via a 2-inch drain valve. An air-oil separator allows air to escape to the atmosphere while capturing the oil droplets to be drained back into the reservoir.

The relief vent cracks open at 14 psid kPag. Lubricating oil is drawn from the reservoir through a supply shutoff valve. Level gauge LG, located on the side of the tank, provides for direct observation of the oil level in the tank. Tank heater HE warms lubrication oil during cold-weather operation. Thermostatic control switch TC energizes the heater whenever the turbine lube oil temperature drops to 90 F 32 C.

Alarm switch LSL signals the control system if the oil level drops 12 inches 30 cent. Thermometer TI, located on the lube oil tank, indicates actual oil temperature in the range of F C. Low oil temperature switch TSL signals the control system when the oil temperature drops to 70 F 21 C.

Turbine Lube Oil Duplex Filters The lube oil supply and scavenge oil filter assemblies are located on the auxiliary skid. Except for external instrumentation, the two assemblies are identical. Each is a duplex, full-flow assembly, with two steel filter shells and replaceable absolute filter elements.

A manual shuttle valve may be used to divert oil flow through one element, allowing the other element to be serviced without interruption of operation. For each duplex filter, a differential pressure gauge and two differential pressure switches, located on the auxiliary skid gauge panel and JB, warn operating personnel of dirty filter elements.

The instruments may be isolated from the system by means of instrument valves while a differential pressure balance valve permits equalizing pressure across the instruments.

The lubricating oil system contains three instruments for monitoring operation at the supply and scavenge duplex filter assemblies: 1 differential pressure gauges PDI and PDI indicate filter differential pressure in the range of psid kPad , 2 differential pressure switches PDSH and PDSH signal the control system to initiate an alarm if the pressure drop across the oil filter rises to 20 psid kPad , and 3 differential pressure switches PDSHH and PDSHH signal the control system to initiate a cool-down lockout CDLO shutdown if the pressure drop across the oil filter rises to 25 psid kPad.

Turbine Lube Oil Heat Exchangers The shell and tube heat exchanger assembly is located on the auxiliary skid. After the lube oil passes through control valve TCV, temperature indicator TI measures actual lube oil temperature.

This indicator is scaled F C. The lube oil is then routed directly to the reservoir. Air-Oil Separator The turbine air-oil pre-separator, air-air heat exchanger, and the air-oil separator are located on the roof of the turbine enclosure and vent to the atmosphere. Sumps D and E, at engine connector A10, are also connected to the separator via a 6-inch 15 cent. The pre-separated oil is drained to the turbine lube oil tank via a 1-inch 3.

The separated oil is drained to the turbine lube oil tank via a trapped -inch 1. A sight gauge allows operating personnel to observe oil flow from the pre-separator to the lube oil tank.

Reservoir temperature and level switches and the state of the heater are displayed. Lube oil supply and scavenge pressures are displayed as well as the state of high and low pressure switches.

Differential pressure across supply, scavenge, and VG oil filters is displayed. Scavenge oil temperatures, as measured by the dual element RTDs, are displayed.

What are the two aspects of the turbine lube oil system that requires special attention regarding personal safety on the part of the operator? The variable geometry control pump supplies turbine lube oil to the engine fuel valve actuator s. Turbine lube oil for the most part is maintained at a constant pressure after the engine has attained synchronous rpm. Can the duplex lube oil supply filters be transferred in and out of service during unit operation?

The primary air system. Variable speed cooler fans B. Regulating flow through or bypassing the lube oil cooler C. Throttling the rate of flow through the engine D. None of the above. Engine shutdown occurs if lube oil pressure is not above specific minimum values as speed increases. Spring-loaded carbon B. Single labyrinth C.

Double labyrinth with air pressure between. All dual-redundant lube oil filters that can be replaced without engine shutdown can be serviced without entering the turbine enclosure. What type of oil can you use on the LM? Why isnt there a backup lube oil system to protect the turbine bearings if the primary pump should fail? Why would a customer choose one of these types over the other type? Electrical inputs to separate servo valves in the HCU, which is mounted on the VG hydraulic pump, position the servo valves in the correct position.

The HCU controls the hydraulic pressure for the servo system. This oil is filtered in a single filter for safety reasons only, since the oil has already passed the lube oil filter.

The other servo systems operate with servo valves that are incorporated in the control valve assemblies. Both actuators have an internal LVDT position transducer for the feedback signal to the control system. The VBV system is located on the compressor front frame assembly.

It is used to vent LPC discharge air overboard through the LPC bleed air collector, in order to maintain LPC stall margin during starting, partial power operation, and large power transients. The actuators are located at the , , , , , and oclock positions on the compressor front frame. The six actuators are positioned with one VBV on each side of each actuator. The actuators, actuation ring and VBVs are mechanically linked by bellcranks and pushrods. The actuators position the actuation ring, which opens and closes the VBVs.

The and oclock actuators are equipped with integral LVDTs for position indication. The VSV system has two hydraulic actuators, located at the and oclock positions. Each actuator is equipped with an integral LVDT for position feedback.

The VSV system has a number of natural wear points that must be inspected on a regular basis. By keeping the system in good physical condition, accurate positioning of the vanes is possible.

Misadjusted or worn vanes, or worn vane bushings, can cause a significant increase in the cyclic loading imparted on the rotating blades in the compressor. This mixture combines to form a paste very similar to lapping compound. Consequently, each time the system cycles, the wear surfaces are lapped and clearances increase at an ever accelerating rate. External surfaces can be cleaned following work package Variable Geometry Hydraulic Pump.

The variable geometry hydraulic pump is a positive displacement pump that supplies the hydraulic control unit HCU with the correct oil flow and pressure to move the variable bleed valves VBVs and the variable stator vanes VSVs to the required position. The filter is rated at 40u.

The filter also has a pressure differential switch set at 20 psid kPad , which sends a signal to the turbine control system for alarm indication.

For each system, both LVDT positions are displayed in addition to the position demand and the selected position feedback signal used for control. Name the three servo valves in the HCU. The LM hydraulic start system supplies hydraulic pressure to the hydraulic starter motor.

This pressure is used to rotate the HP compressor during low-speed crank, high-speed crank, and start. The charge pump takes suction from the hydraulic oil reservoir and discharges the hydraulic oil to the suction side of the main pump, providing a positive suction for the main pump. The oil from the main pump is piped to the hydraulic starter motor on the accessory gearbox of the gas turbine. The oil pressure hydraulic starter motor, in turn, rotates the HP compressor through the accessory gearbox.

Most of the oil from the hydraulic starter motor returns to the suction side of the main pump, but oil from the pump casing drains, then flows, through a return line to the temperature control valve. When the return oil is cool, the temperature valve sends the oil directly to the reservoir. When oil heats up during operation, the valve diverts oil to a fin-fan cooler and then to the reservoir. The hydraulic cooler fan pump is mounted on the end of the hydraulic pump assembly.

This pump takes suction from the reservoir and discharges the oil to the hydraulic fan motor on the fin fan oil cooler. The discharge from the motor returns to the hydraulic oil reservoir. Hydraulic Oil Reservoir The hydraulic oil reservoir is stainless steel.

The reservoir is located on the auxiliary skid and has a 40 gal L capacity. The reservoir has local indication of level and a reservoir heater, which keeps lube oil temperature in the reservoir to at least 90 F 32 C. The reservoir also has a level switch, a temperature switch, and a suction strainer, which will bypass the strainer at 3 psid Hydraulic Oil Charge Pump The charge pump is one of three pumps in the hydraulic pump assembly. Charge Pump Filter The charge pump filter is a spin on type single stage filter.

The filter has a visual indicator to show filter condition. The filter housing has a bypass valve that will open, bypassing oil around the filter if differential pressure across the filter reaches 50 psid Main Hydraulic Oil Pump The main hydraulic starter pump, located on the starter skid, is driven by a three-phase, constant-speed, AC electric motor.

The hydraulic starter pump has a variable swash plate, whose angle is controlled by software logic signals from the turbine control panel TCP. The signals are applied to a solenoid operated valve SOV on the hydraulic starter pump assembly.

The hydraulic starter pump supplies hydraulic fluid under high pressure to the turbine starter motor. As the hydraulic starter pumps swash plate angle is increased or decreased, more or less hydraulic fluid under pressure is applied to the pistons in the turbine starter motor, thereby increasing or decreasing the revolutions per minute rpm of the starter and the turbine engine.

Fluid pressure from the hydraulic starter pump is applied to pistons in the turbine starter motor causing the motor to rotate. Hydraulic Starter Motor The hydraulic starter motor, located on the auxiliary gearbox of the LM, is driven by hydraulic fluid under high pressure from the main hydraulic oil pump.

The hydraulic starter motor has a fixed angle swash plate with movable pistons. The high-pressure fluid forces the pistons to move within the cylinder, causing the motor to rotate. Low Pressure Return Oil Filter The low-pressure return oil filter is a spin-on type single-stage filter. The filter housing has a bypass valve that will open, bypassing oil around the filter if differential pressure across the filter reaches 25 psid Temperature Control Valve The temperature control valve regulates hydraulic oil return temperature by bypassing some oil around the lube oil cooler.

The valve opens when the oil heats during operation and diverts the oil through the FinFan cooler to the reservoir. Temperature control valve is set at F 49C. Hydraulic Oil Cooler Pump The cooler pump is a gear type pump coupled to the main pump assembly which is driven by the electric motor. It draws suction from the reservoir and pressurizes a hydraulic fan motor in the hydraulic oil cooler. Hydraulic Oil Cooler Pump Discharge Relief Valve The hydraulic oil cooler pump discharge relief valve protects the hydraulic cooler pumps from overpressurization, by discharging excess pressure back to the reservoir.

The relief valve is set at psid. A fin fan type cooler cools the hydraulic oil. The fan for the cooler is powered by a hydraulic motor which in return rotates a five blade fixed pitch fan assembly.

The hydraulic motor is powered by pressure from the hydraulic oil cooler pump. Centrifugal Starting Clutch In the starting motor output shaft a centrifugal clutch allows engagement of the starting motor to the gas turbine generator at the beginning of the start-up sequence, and disengagement as soon as the HP runs faster than the starting motor.

At rpms XN 2. For proper clutch operation, the oil flow to the clutch should be continuously controlled to a minimum of. An orifice plate controls this oil flow. Proven high-performance technology for all applications. Reciprocating Compressors. Flexible solutions for high reliability and endurance. High-performance gearing and gear coupling solutions and services to solve the most complex power transmission challenges.

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